Fetal development by month

Understanding the peculiarities of fetal development by months makes it possible to realize how important for him and the entire pregnancy is every day and even a moment. The kid acquires new features, unique to him, that will allow him to come into the world and live happily.

Fetal development in the first trimester

Development of the fetus in the first month of pregnancy is literally at a frantic pace. From a zygote consisting of only one cell, the embryo begins its formation, the length of which will be about 13 mm by the end of this period. Right now, a system of blood vessels is laid, through which blood flows. During these first 30 days of his life the kid manages to make a bookmark of the brain of the head, the umbilical cord, the organs of hearing, olfaction and sight.

Already in 3 months the development of the fetus leads to the fact that it weighs about 30 grams, and its growth is almost 8 cm. Nail plates are formed, there are eyelids and genitals, which allow using sex-specific equipment to establish sex. The child can breathe, but while this process is reduced to swallowing and release of amniotic fluid . Also there are unconscious movements of the rudiments of the limbs, the kid is even able to squeeze and unclench the handles.

Fetus in the second trimester

However, already at 6 months the development of the fetus ceases to be surprisingly intense, which is quite normal. His height is already about 35 cm, while the weight can be 560 grams. Under the layer of skin appears fatty tissue, the eyelids can open and close, providing an overview. The baby can hear sounds from the outside and can cry. The children who appeared on this date rarely survive, which is due to the imperfection of the respiratory organs. But modern equipment is quite capable of saving a small life.

Almost a week before the birth of a baby completes its growth, which can not be said about the accumulation of adipose tissue. Actively working organs and systems that seem to be prepared for life outside the womb. The skin changes its color and becomes pinkish. The mother should be prepared for the fact that her child very soon decides to become a full member of society.

Indeed, the development of the fetus by the months of pregnancy is the most amazing process that can not be recreated artificially, and which only the female body is capable of. Even modern medicine is not able to predict and accurately track the development of the fetus and the baby by months, which leaves a lot of riddles and questions. And maybe we should not know everything?