Parodontosis - treatment of all stages and ways to avoid disease

Parodontosis is a relatively rare pathology, occurring in about 1-3% of the population. Unlike periodontitis, which is often confused with this disease, periodontal disease is not associated with inflammatory or infectious processes. How this disease proceeds and manifests, what treatment and causes have parodontosis, we will consider further.

Parodontosis - what is it?

As indicated in domestic medical sources, periodontal disease is a chronic dystrophic process that spreads to all periodontal tissues. A parodontium refers to a combination of tissues (gums, periodontium, alveolar processes and cement) that surround the teeth and promote their retention in the dental holes. Parodontium tissues are supplied with blood by means of the vessels in them, which are connected with the jaw artery, and are innervated by the network of nerve fibers.

Parodontosis - Causes

With this disease, there is a disruption in the nutrition of periodontal tissues through blood vessels under the influence of various factors, as a result of which protein metabolism and the exchange of mineral salts are disrupted. In addition to shortage of nutrients and oxygen, due to weakened blood circulation, toxins accumulate in the tissues.

All this leads to difficulty in tissue regeneration, delay in their growth and gradual atrophy of the gums and alveolar part of the jaw. Periodontal disease, the classification of which involves two forms depending on the prevalence of the process, can be localized - on a restricted area of ​​the dentition or generalized - covering one or both dentition rows.

The causes of pathology are not fully understood. In view of the fact that in most patients one of the parents also suffered from this disease, hereditary predisposition is not excluded. It is noted that parodontosis can occur even in those people who comply with the rules of oral hygiene, regularly visit the dentist. Specialists identify a number of factors that are often observed in patients with this diagnosis. This includes systemic pathologies that contribute to dystrophic processes, local damaging factors, harmful habits:

It is believed that the presence of dental deposits and the development of pathogenic bacteria are present in the overall picture, but they do not play a decisive role in periodontal disease. In young patients, dystrophic changes in periodontal tissues are often combined with vegeto-vascular dystonia , and in patients older than fifty - with atherosclerosis and high blood pressure. From this it can be concluded that malfunctions of microcirculation during periodontal disease are a consequence of hypoxia, spasm and vascular sclerosis.

What is dangerous periodontal disease?

Long-term periodontitis, the treatment of which is not performed or is being done incorrectly, can lead to total destruction of the tissues surrounding the teeth, and to complete loss of the dentition. In addition, the disease of periodontal disease due to dysfunction of teeth associated with the processing of incoming food, leads to an aggravation of existing problems with the digestive tract or the appearance of new diseases of the stomach, intestines. Sometimes the osteomyelitis of the jaw becomes the consequence of the started illness.

Periodontal disease - symptoms

For a long time the disease runs unnoticed for the patient, and the first unfavorable signs of periodontal disease begin to be noticed by many when the pathology gained momentum, and the periodontal tissues underwent significant destruction. The clinical picture is determined by the stage of the disease, and at any stage the following symptoms are absent, which speak about other types of lesions (for example, on periodontitis ):

Periodontitis - stages

Let's consider, what parodontosis has signs depending on a stage of a pathology:

  1. The initial pathological process is already under way, but the symptoms are so scarce that they are often not noticed by professionals, and X-ray studies are not informative. The mucous membrane of the gums at this stage is pale pink, dense. There may be a slight sensitivity of the teeth.
  2. The first stage - there is a slight lowering of the gingival tissue, the exposure of the tooth necks begins. The increased sensitivity of the teeth is noted from time to time, with the reaction not only to the cold and hot, but also to sour, sweet. At this stage, x-ray diagnostics visualizes the initial destructive changes in the solid tissue.
  3. The second stage is characterized by a significant exposure of the necks of the teeth, the appearance of large interdental gaps, and the enamel transition to cement (the substance covering the dental roots) becomes noticeable. Patients are concerned about itching and burning in the gums. Dentogingival ligaments are still strong. On the x-ray, atrophic changes of the alveolar process (arched protuberance of the jaw, in which the roots of the teeth are attached) are visible.
  4. The third stage is manifested by the fact that the roots of the teeth protrude beyond the gum more than half. There may be some mobility of the teeth. The gaps between the teeth are even more extensive, the discomforting sensations excruciate the patient constantly. In addition, there is a violation of chewing and articulation. On X-ray photographs, a decrease in the height of the alveolar process by 1 cm is determined.
  5. The fourth is the last stage of periodontal disease, the treatment of which involves the removal of teeth. Dental roots are exposed to two-thirds of their length, there is a strong mobility and sensitivity of teeth, their fan-shaped discrepancy, interfering with the conversation and making it difficult to eat. X-ray research shows that the dental roots are held in the bone only by the tip.

Methods of treatment of periodontitis by dentists

If periodontal disease is detected, treatment should be performed immediately. Late stages are not amenable to therapy, and it is possible only to slow the progression of pathology, to stop the destructive processes. In the treatment of the disease, in addition to dentists, the parodontologist, dental hygienist, orthodontist, and surgeon participate. Determining how to cure parodontosis, through what methods, experts assess the extent of the lesion, the presence of other pathologies in the patient.

Parodontosis - stages of treatment

The standard treatment of periodontal disease includes several stages:

  1. Oral cavity sanitation, consisting of the following procedures: removal of calculus, filling of carious cavities and dental erosions, removal of sharp tooth edges and others.
  2. Recommendations for oral hygiene - regarding the choice of toothbrush and the way it is used (excluding horizontal brush movements), selection of therapeutic toothpastes, rinsers.
  3. Treatment of identified common diseases of the body, which can cause periodontal disease.
  4. Correction of the diet for the enrichment of the body with valuable vitamins and trace elements, recommendations for regular consumption of solid fresh vegetables and fruits (carrots, apples) for natural cleansing of teeth and gum massage.
  5. Treatment of hypersensitivity of dental tissues by remineralization is the use of preparations containing compounds of calcium, magnesium, fluorine.
  6. Gum massage and physiotherapy (electrophoresis, darsonvalization, vacuum therapy, hydromassage and others) - to improve blood circulation, saturate periodontal tissues with nutrients and oxygen, stimulate their renewal.
  7. Shinning of mobile teeth - combining several teeth into one block using a special orthodontic device (bus).
  8. Removal of diseased and destroyed teeth, which can not be cured and restored.
  9. Prosthetics - the installation of removable dentures or dental implants .

Parodontosis - treatment with antibiotics

With a disease such as periodontal disease, antibiotics are prescribed only in the case of a serious complication of pathology with a bacterial infection. In this case, drugs are often taken orally in the form of tablets or capsules. Popular antibiotics in the treatment of this ailment are:

Periodontitis - operation

When choosing techniques for how to treat periodontal disease, surgical methods aimed at restoring the affected bone tissue of the alveolar process and the volume of the gums are a priority. To do this, plastic soft tissue, the introduction of different drugs based on bone meal or fibrin for the renewal of atrophied tissues. Materials for the replacement of tissues are selected taking into account the degree of atrophy and features of the development of pathology.

Treatment of periodontal disease with laser

Considering how to treat periodontal disease of the gums, the doctor can recommend the use of a method in the complex therapy such a method as laser exposure, in those cases when there are infectious processes, inflammation of soft tissues, the presence of plaque. With the help of the laser it is possible to disinfect painlessly, to eliminate inflammation, to remove the deposits on the teeth. In addition, laser radiation stimulates regenerative processes in tissues.

Parodontosis - treatment at home

In the early stages and as an adjunct to the treatment prescribed by the doctor for gum parodontosis, treatment can be performed with the use of nontraditional techniques and local pharmacy medicines. With the permission of the dentist, the treatment of periodontal disease at home can be performed by doing gum massage as a therapeutic procedure for normalizing blood circulation in the tissues. To do this, you should:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly and brush your teeth.
  2. Apply a drop of essential oil of peppermint, eucalyptus or coriander to the cushions of the index and thumbs of the right hand.
  3. Moving your fingers towards the center of the gums, carry out soft circular motions along their edges, slightly pressing.

Treatment of periodontal disease with drugs

Although most of the local drugs designed to fight this disease are effective and safe, any medicine for periodontal disease should be used after consulting a doctor. Gel forms of drugs are applied directly to the gums, but ointment from periodontal disease should be used as an application. Let's list the means, often used for periodontal lesions:

Treatment of periodontal disease with folk remedies

Here are some effective folk remedies for periodontal disease, which improve microcirculation in tissues and saturate them with useful substances:

  1. Garlic - a cut denticle to produce gum massage, trying to rub its juice into the mucous membrane.
  2. Aloe leaf - cut and put the flesh to the gums for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Tincture of the root horseradish - rinse the mouth after brushing teeth, tincture, prepared from 200 g grated horseradish and half a liter of boiled water.
  4. Powder ayr - add to tooth powder when brushing your teeth.
  5. Honey, mixed with sea salt in equal proportions - placing in cheesecloth, put on the gums for half an hour.

Toothpaste from periodontal disease

In this disease, a special paste from periodontal disease containing plant extracts, trace elements, substances to reduce the hypersensitivity of the teeth should be used to clean the teeth. Let's list the names of pastes that are recommended for patients:

Periodontal disease - prevention

To prevent periodontal disease, the treatment of which requires considerable effort and material costs, you should carefully consider your health, conduct diagnostic procedures in a timely manner and correct any malfunctioning of the body.

When the periodontitis has already begun to develop, the initial stage and the first stage are still reversible if one adheres to these recommendations:

  1. To refuse from bad habits.
  2. Correctly eat, enriching the diet with vegetables and fruits.
  3. Periodically take vitamin-mineral complexes.
  4. Regularly eat solid food, thoroughly chewing it.
  5. Limit the use of sweets.
  6. Careful hygiene care for teeth and oral cavity.