French Bolognese

The breed of the French lap dog is quite popular these days. In fact, this name is colloquial, it combines two different breeds - boshon frize and Bolognese dogs. In this article we will talk about the first.

Description of the breed bichon frize

The popular breed of Bichon Frize dogs unites animals whose height at the withers varies from 15 to 30 centimeters. From the French language the title is translated as "curly-haired girl", which speaks for itself. These small dogs really have silky, soft and curly hair, the length of which can reach 30 centimeters. According to the standard, such animals can only have white color. The head of the representatives of the breed is large, round in shape. The ears are hanging, and the eyes are large and round.

The bishon Frize character is quite difficult, but if the master wishes, a common language with the animal will be found easier. These pussies are fun, active, playful and bold. By their nature bichon frize is not at all aggressive. They are easy to train, teach new, and wait for the owner pet will be happy. Irritability is not inherent in them. Affectionate and faithful dogs easily adapt to any conditions, but the main thing for them is the presence of society, since bichon frize is very cheerful and loving. With children they play with pleasure. They are quite affectionate, loving and caring. Education and training bichon frize should be based on soft and delicate methods, because the peculiarity of the French bolonok character is touchiness. Such a characteristic makes bichon Frize a true companion, endowed with "human" emotions.

Maintenance and care

A small and company bishon frize is an excellent pet for urban residents from small apartments. By the way, such dogs are successfully accustomed to the tray, but caring for bichon frize in this case does not exclude daily walks! Bologna needs fresh air and active outdoor games. Difficulties with what to feed the bishon Frize, you will not arise - the dog in food is not whimsical. Daily food should contain enough protein and fiber, two-time feeding bichon frize quite acceptable. However, there is one "but": lap-dogs are prone to allergies, so you can not feed them from your table. Wool care is minimized if your dog does not participate in exhibitions. The wool of the French lap bison frieze is thick, but so silky that it is not prone to tangling. Two combing in a week - and there will never be any coins. These dogs are extremely clean and practically do not shed. Once every three months, the lap-dog needs to be cut, and the hair on the paws and muzzle should be cut once a month. Bathing with a special shampoo - once a month.

Great attention should be given to the teeth of the French lapdog. If there are no bones or cartilages in the dog's diet, an incorrect bite may result, which will lead to the disqualification of the animal as an exhibition. But even if your pet does not participate in any competitions, it does not mean, that caring for teeth can be neglected.

By observing these simple rules, you will provide your pet with a long and happy life. French lap-dogs are distinguished by strong health, therefore in your family it can live about 15-17 years, becoming really its member. These kind dog companions with charming appearance and cheerful character will always meet you at the door, cheering up. The concept of "loneliness" will disappear from your life in a moment, when this energetic, white, fluffy and vocal lump appears in the house.