
Many call this plant a cactus because of its love for arid soil and sun. In this statement there is some truth. Euphorbia belovolkovy refers to succulents and is found mainly in Africa and in the subtropics of America. As an ornamental flower, they gladly bred it in offices, placed near computers or near TV systems, because spruce beet is good energy, being a useful plant . At home, this flower grows with good care up to a meter and a half in height.

How does the spike look like a beige?

Outwardly, it is a bit like a palm. As the growth leaves from the stem fall off and bush only on the top in the form of an umbrella in several tiers. The leaves are dense, fleshy, oblong oval with visible white veins. The stem of the milkweed of the belopolzalkovy becomes denser with age, its surface is all in furrows, like that of palm plants. It should be noted that the appearance of the plant largely depends on the amount of sunlight that absorbs the plant. If your flower and leaves are dark green, and the stem is dense and ribbed - then you have successfully found a place for the milkweed. He blossoms in small white flowers on long thin legs. Flowering of the plant begins with proper care for the second year and lasts throughout the spring-summer period.

Euphorbia belovolkovy - care

The flower in care is unpretentious. The main task: do not pour it and protect it from cold winds. This plant is very fond of the sun. The pot can be placed on the southwestern window or in any well-lit place. To direct sunlight it is necessary to accustom it cautiously, to try to avoid them in the first year of a life of a flower. Euphorbia belovolkovy loves warmth, favorable for it is considered a temperature of 20 degrees. Watering a young plant for a year should not be more often than once every three days, and for the autumn-winter period, watering should be limited to 1 time per week or two.

Many people are worried about the question: is it possible to trim the euphorbia Belozhilkovy? Yes, it is possible, even necessary, if you want your flower to become more bushy. Only the cut must be treated with a tablet of activated carbon.

Next, let's talk about how to transplant the spurge of Belozhilkovy. Once in two years, as soon as the root system increases and the flower ceases to grow, you can transplant the plant into a larger pot. Prepare the soil mixture from sand, leaf and turf ground in a ratio of 1/2/2, respectively. Pass accurately the root system with the remains of the soil in the groove of the prepared pot.

Reproduction of egg white protein naturally occurs as seeds. The flower itself "shoots" them in all the surrounding pots. You can grow a new plant from the handle. If you cut off overgrown cuttings from the stem, before rooting, be sure to place them in a container of water for several days to stack a poisonous juice of milk protein.

Diseases of milk protein.

In winter, from lack of sunlight, he loses leaves. If you will water the plant abundantly, it can completely "fly bald". Note that in the autumn-winter period, in the milkweed of the belovolkova yellow leaves turn yellow and fall off the trunk - this is a natural process. It can not be called a disease. In the spring, with the first bright sun, new leaves will appear on the top of the room flower of the milkweed.

There are many myths about the dangers and benefits of bee-eater. Juice is actually harmful to health, it causes burns of mucous and allergies. But the roots of this plant in the spring harvested for the manufacture of various medicinal potions, for example, to maintain youth and skin tone.