Dairy-free diet

Any diet that excludes the use of milk can be called dairy-free. As a rule, it is suitable for people who have an allergy to milk protein. If such problems are found in the baby, then a dairy-free diet for such a child should be kept for up to three years, after which doctors can reconsider the diet. Also, a dairy-free diet is ideal for lactating mothers, if a lactase deficiency is detected in a baby.

Such a slimming program is also preferred by those who simply struggle with excess weight, because such a diet eliminates the large amount of fat that is found in dairy products, which contributes to the effective disposal of hated kilograms. However, it is very difficult to completely abandon the dairy, because most of the main products have milk . But still this familiar drink for us can be replaced with soy or almond milk.

Approximate menu of non-dairy diet




But as for the snack, the best option will be nuts, dried fruits , fresh vegetables and fruits.

A dairy-free diet for weight loss can last one or two weeks, this time is enough to bring yourself in shape. Longer to sit on such a diet is not necessary, tk. Milk still is the main source of calcium and other valuable and useful elements for our body.