Discharge with odor after delivery

After giving birth, women have a blood discharge within a few weeks - lochia. They have a bright red coloration, contain small blood clots, placentas and small particles of dead epithelium. Usual discharge from the vagina after childbirth has a smell of menstrual blood, but with a more pronounced intensity.

Unpleasant odor of discharge after delivery

Discharge with an unpleasant odor after childbirth can signal the onset of an inflammatory process in the uterus. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In what cases is an obstetrician-gynecologist necessary?

All the above symptoms mean a deviation from the norm and are associated with inflammation in the reproductive system of a woman in the postpartum period. Naturally, the first thing a woman gives birth to is the smell of discharge after childbirth. If the intensity and discolouration of lousy can be perceived by her as a matter of course, the discharge with an unpleasant odor after delivery will certainly cause the woman to become alert.

Causes of secretions with a smell after childbirth

The most frequent and dangerous reason for the appearance of "smelly" discharge after delivery is inflammation of the uterine mucosa - endometritis. It is characterized by the appearance of yellow-brown or green discharge with an unpleasant putrefactive odor. In severe cases, fever and chills are observed. Endometritis is treated only under the supervision of a doctor, since self-medication can be fatal.

An unpleasant odor of discharge can also indicate the stagnation of lochia in the uterus and insufficient outward exposure. In this case, in order to prevent the decay of the accumulated masses, scraping can be prescribed. This will avoid inflammation and save the uterus from more serious interference. In principle, in many maternity hospitals, "oxytocin" is administered to stimulate contraction of the uterus in the next three days after delivery, which helps well the discharge of excreta.

Infectious diseases of the genital tract, such as chlamydia, gardnerellez, etc., can also cause an unpleasant odor of discharge after childbirth. To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will conduct the examination, and after the results of the tests, will prescribe the treatment.