Diet without gluten for weight loss

Choosing a diet without gluten and lactose, you should know what its main advantages are. Gluten is a protein that is found in grain crops, including kamut, polba, rye, barley, oats and wheat. Getting into the human body, such a harmless product leads to the emergence of inflammatory processes that contribute to the formation of edema, the general poor state and painful sensations in the joints. What is the diet without gluten and casein that you can eat, and what should be discarded - later in the article.

Diet without gluten for weight loss

A new diet without gluten is fairly gentle, with it you can include in the diet foods that have in their composition rice, buckwheat and soy flour. A number of medications is also characterized by the presence of gluten in its composition. Therefore, before you start to lose weight, it is recommended to carefully study the composition of your medicines, vitamins and biologically active supplements. If this substance is present in their composition, it is recommended to replace them with analogues, but no longer containing this substance.

A life without gluten like a diet

There is a list of foods that are recommended for use with a gluten-free diet. Such products include the following:

What foods can not be consumed?

There are a number of products that are recommended to be excluded from the diet with a gluten diet. During this period you can not use:

Lack of a gluten diet

The disadvantages of such a diet should be attributed to the fact that when you decide to go back to your usual food, then all the lost pounds back to you back, and very quickly. In addition, observing the gluten diet is recommended to constantly monitor food in your plate, read their composition in search of the word "gluten".

Those people who decided to network on a gluten-free diet, will not be able to get the required level of nutrients and vitamins required by their body. Therefore, they will have to revise their own diet in order to add the necessary amount of products containing folic acid, niacin, thiamine and calcium, in order to make up for their shortage in the body.