Essential oil of rosemary

The soul insistently demands fresh herbal aromas, which carry away memories in the summer, hot weather, romantic walks ... But let us not delve into unnecessary reasoning. Kohl started talking about freshness, then one of the brightest representatives of the aromas of this group is essential oil of rosemary. What else are its advantages and distinctive features?

Application of essential oil of rosemary

Rosemary oil can replace a whole home medicine chest with medications. The disease with angina, nitrite, arthritis, and the presence of kidney stones are best treated with rosemary oil. In addition, headache, venous expansion of the veins, diarrhea, violation of the blood pressure level, eye strain from excessive work behind the computer monitor or a long view of the TV is not a complete list of ailments that are subject to rosemary oil.

Essential oil of rosemary finds its application in the field of cosmetology, helping to improve the appearance of the skin and hair.

Rosemary oil for skin

Rosemary oil for the face copes with the task of improving the fatty and dry skin type. It will save you from excessive sebaceous discharge and acne. Thanks to rosemary essential oil, you will forget about the problem of dilated pores and spoiling the appearance of skin rashes, because rosemary is an excellent antiseptic and a fighter with various kinds of inflammation. Therefore, the oil of rosemary is also an effective remedy for acne. You just need to moisten the cotton bud with a drop of oil and apply it to the inflamed place.

Elimination of scars, scarring from the skin and alignment of the relief is another type of problem that can be solved by such a universal remedy. To achieve a noticeable result, make at home a mask with rosemary oil. Stir a couple drops of essential oil of rosemary with ten grams of rosehip oil and apply to the place of the scar or scar twice a day. Soon you will notice how the appearance of the skin will improve.

Rosemary oil, as mentioned above, is suitable for dry skin types. It can soften, moisten and smooth it. To do this, prepare a mixture that can be used as a nutritious cream or mask. You just need to mix a drop of rosemary oil with almond, olive or apricot oil. Applying the mixture for half an hour, you can then wash it off with lukewarm water or get wet with a napkin and massage movements rub the remaining amount until completely absorbed.

Rosemary oil for hair

Essential oil of rosemary is also an excellent means for hair. With it, you eliminate the problem of dandruff, hair loss and stimulate their growth. Rosemary oil can be used, for example, as an ingredient in hair masks.

If you want to strengthen the roots and stimulate growth, mix five milliliters of oil with a glass of water and rub the resulting mixture into the roots. To reduce the fat content of hair, add a couple drops of essential oil of rosemary to your shampoo and apply it in the usual way.

If you want to get rid of dandruff, mix forty grams of jojoba essential oil, a few drops of rosemary, lavender and eucalyptus. Thoroughly mix the ingredients and apply to the hair. Wrap the head with a towel and leave for an hour. After the time, rinse with warm water.

As you already understood, essential oils are a godsend for any woman. They help solve a lot of problems. A hero of today - essential oil of rosemary - an excellent tool for solving health problems, to improve the condition of the skin and hair.

Be beautiful!