Inoculation of measles-rubella-mumps - reaction

Such infectious diseases as measles, rubella and parotitis are very dangerous due to their consequences in the form of disorders in the work of the nervous system, arthritis, encephalitis, meningitis, etc.

Therefore, most European countries include a measles, rubella and mumps vaccine (CCP) in the mandatory category.

The vaccination schedule and features of the post-vaccination period

The first injection is done from twelve months. Revaccination is carried out at 6 years. Enter the drug intramuscularly or subcutaneously. As a rule, the area of ​​administration is a scapula or shoulder.

Most children tolerate the CCP well. But in 10-20% of cases after vaccination there is a reaction to vaccination of CPC.

To protect caring parents from unnecessary feelings, we will understand what is considered a norm, and in what cases it is urgent to go to the hospital.

The response to measles-rubella-mumps vaccine can be local and general. The first is to include redness, swelling and tissue change at the site of the injection site. Normally, all manifestations should disappear on the third day. If this does not happen, it is better to consult a doctor.

The general reaction to measles rubella and mumps is a high body temperature, rhinitis, cough. There may be a slight increase jaw, parotid or lymph nodes.

In some cases, there is a rash, common or localized to individual areas (face, hands, back, etc.).

All these alarming symptoms are considered normal. And the peak of these manifestations is from 5-15 days. The reason is that such a reaction to the vaccine against measles, rubella and mumps is the result of the body's active work on developing immunity against infectious agents.

But, if all described manifestations persist for more than two weeks from the moment of vaccination - hurry to the polyclinic, so as not to miss another disease.