How to feed cherries to fructify?

Cherry - the tree is quite capricious, and that it yields a good harvest, he needs regular feeding. Still it is necessary to observe such conditions, that on a tree fruits were fastened:

Not everyone knows how to feed a cherry, so that it fructifies and the ovary does not fall off it. To do this, there is a special complex of fertilizing, which are carried out, beginning in early spring. Let's look at how this is done.

How to properly feed cherries in the spring?

The first time the feeding is done before bloom, when the buds are not budding on the tree, since the foliar top dressing will not be effective, because there is no green mass of foliage, that is, only root fertilization is done.

Under the tree is made urea or ammonium nitrate, sealing it in the trunks. It is desirable that the soil at the same time is moist and after fertilization the tree is spilled an additional 3-4 buckets of water.

If you do not know what to feed a cherry blossom so that it does not throw off the ovary, then the application of organic fertilizer in the form of a solution of chicken manure will come to the rescue. But it is necessary to monitor its concentration - large doses can burn the root system.

After flowering, too, you need to feed the cherry, but that's what - you need to look at the state of the soil. If it is wet enough from rains, then phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is applied in undiluted form, and vice versa - in a hot, dry summer it is necessary to water the cherry with diluted complex compounds.

Summer cherry fertilizer

After the harvest is harvested, the fertilized tree should be supported with organic fertilizer in the form of mullein, to which wood ash can be added. For the summer period this complex will be quite enough.

Watering the tree in this period should be only once in early August, when the flower buds are laid for the next season. This one-time abundant watering should be timed and fertilized with natural fertilizers.

Autumnal feeding - is it necessary?

In order for the cherry to winter well and actively enter fruiting next spring, in the fall, around the beginning of October, together with the last watering, potassium and phosphorus are introduced into the earth.

Cherry is very sensitive to the composition of the soil. Therefore, if it is too acidic, the yield may fall. To avoid such problems in the autumn, liming of the trunks is performed.