Green Adjika

Green adzhika perfectly fits any fish and meat dish. And you can simply smear it on bread and eat with the first dish. Thanks to the successful combination of fragrant herbs, it gives the dish a completely new, original and amazing taste. Adjika is simple enough to cook and does not take much time from you. Check it out for yourself!

Adjika from green pepper



We take a green spicy green pepper, rinse it thoroughly with cold water, remove the stems and cleanse the seeds, cutting it with a knife into two halves. After that, once again thoroughly rinse it under water and put the peeled pepper on a clean towel to the side. Then we clean the garlic, divide it into denticles, rinse thoroughly with water and put it off.

Next, we turn to the preparation of fresh herbs: fresh coriander, parsley, dill, mint, tarragon and basil thoroughly rinse under a stream of cold water, lightly shake and cut the greens on the cutting board with a knife. Now put it into the blender, add the green peeled pepper, garlic and peeled walnuts. We grind everything at high speed until a homogeneous pulp is obtained.

Then we spread the received mass in a bowl, sprinkle on salt and mix well the Abkhazian green adzhika with a tablespoon. We serve it in a cooled form to any fish or meat dish, and it also perfectly suits as a seasoning for soup or for extinguishing.

Green Adjika Recipe



Now tell you how to cook a delicious green adzhika. The pods of hot green pepper are piled in a bowl, poured with warm water and leave to stand for 5 hours. Then the liquid is gently drained, the pepper is wiped and cleaned of seeds. Garlic is cleaned from the husk. Greens rinse and shake. Now we twist all the prepared ingredients through a meat grinder, or grind it in a blender. Separately, in a mortar, crush the coriander seeds and add them to our garlic mix. Sprinkle the adzhika with salt, mix thoroughly with a spoon and spread it over clean, small jars. We store the green adzhika in the refrigerator.

Recipe for green Georgian Adjika



So, to prepare a green Adzhika for the winter, we sort through all the greens, pour for 10-15 minutes with cold water and then carefully rinse. Then spread it on a dry cloth in order to get rid of excess moisture. This time, we peel the garlic and rinse it. Spicy green pepper, remove the tails, cut in half and cleanse the seeds.

Further, all the prepared ingredients are crushed thoroughly with the help of a food processor or a blender to homogeneity. To the received weight we add salt and ground black pepper to taste. We mix well the finished green Georgian adzhika and spread it out over clean cans. We cover them with lids, and put them in the refrigerator or other cool place for storage.