Progesterone with a delay in menstruation

Every woman in her life is faced with a delay in menstruation, and every time this phenomenon is alarming, since both pregnancy can mean and serious gynecological diseases. And by the way, for preparation for pregnancy and for the normal course of the menstrual cycle in the female body, the same hormone - progesterone - is responsible. It is his deficiency that can make pregnancy impossible and cause a cycle violation. Therefore, progesterone is often prescribed with a delay in menstruation to cause them. But let's look more closely at what happens in the body with a deficiency of progesterone and whether the monthly challenge is safe with progesterone.

Progesterone and monthly

It was said above that progesterone affects menstruation, in fact, it decides whether to be monthly or not. Let us consider in more detail what happens to the level of progesterone during the cycle.

At the beginning of the cycle, the level of progesterone is low, but with the onset of the ovulatory phase it begins to gradually grow. When the follicle breaks and the egg leaves it, the level of progesterone in the blood rises. This happens because during this period the yellow body begins to produce a hormone, thus preparing the body for a possible pregnancy. After all, progesterone is responsible for preparing the walls of the uterus to attach a fertilized egg and for stopping the menstrual cycle during pregnancy. In the absence of pregnancy, the level of progesterone begins to decrease, and the compacted endometrium is rejected, that is, the monthly ones begin. If a woman becomes pregnant, then progesterone continues to be produced, and it happens much more actively than when a pregnant woman was not. This happens in the body of a healthy woman with a normal hormonal background.

A lowered level of progesterone causes disturbances in the menstrual cycle, and if there is a lack of this hormone, problems with conception and miscarriages in the early stages of pregnancy are possible. After all, progesterone is responsible for reducing uterine contractions in the second half of the menstrual cycle, which reduces the likelihood of miscarriage.

As we see, the lack of progesterone affects not only the delay of the monthly, but also the normal course of pregnancy. But even if a woman is not going to become a mother in the near future, it's impossible to ignore the lowered level of progesterone. Quite often, ladies say so - I will be treated when I want a child. This is wrong in any case, and even with a lowered level of progesterone, especially - this is a serious threat to the woman's reproductive health. So, the problem should be solved immediately, as soon as it was discovered, namely after the gynecologist-endocrinologist received the results of the tests for the level of progesterone.

Progesterone injections with delayed monthly

When the menstrual cycle is disturbed, in particular, with delay, the reason for this is necessarily found. And if this cause is a lowered level of progesterone, then measures are taken to restore it. This can be folk remedies and medicines. Drugs based on synthetic or natural progesterone can be administered in the form of tablets or injections. Often, in order to induce a monthly delay, they are prescribed progesterone injections, because after them the effect is more noticeable. But you need to know that any hormonal drug can cause side effects - nausea, swelling, increased pressure, and also have contraindications. So, progesterone is not prescribed for breast tumors, vaginal bleeding and violations of the liver.