Treatment of cough folk remedies in children quickly

It is difficult to find a child who would not have a cold or acute respiratory disease several times a year. Mandatory symptoms of these unpleasant conditions is a cough, which causes a lot of trouble to parents and worsens the baby's well-being. In addition, in case he does not pass for a long time, his mother or father must sit with a child on a sick leave, and the omissions of a kindergarten or school are often undesirable.

If you are mistrustful of drug therapy, cough treatment in children with folk remedies will come to the rescue, which usually happens quickly. Depending on the type of cough used by various folk recipes. Let's consider the main ones.

Treatment of dry cough

Overcooling in combination with the virus often leads to the development of a cold in the baby. One of the most common signs of it is dry cough. At the initial stage, cough seizures can be effectively coped with proven methods in centuries. We note among them the following, almost without side effects:

  1. Natural buckwheat honey (if there is no tendency to allergies) or butter. When treating a dry cough in a child with folk remedies of this type, just let it dissolve a teaspoon of honey or a small piece of butter - and an attack of painful suffocation will soon end.
  2. Inhalations. They are not recommended for small patients until 3 years old, but preschoolers can breathe potato steam or herbal decoction, for the preparation of which take Ledum, marshmallow, licorice, elephant, mother-and-stepmother.
  3. Compresses. If a child has a strong cough, such treatment with folk remedies is fully justified. Prepare a mixture of hot water, dried mustard, honey, sunflower oil, onion and 70% alcohol (we take a dessert spoonful). Make a compress on the chest and back area (excluding the heart area), wrap it with wax paper and cover with a warm kerchief, leaving for 4 hours.
  4. Boiled sugar syrup. Dilute a large amount of sugar in the water and wait until the solution turns brown. In a warm form it is given to drink to kids. The older children are offered a syrup frozen in a chilled form, which makes it possible to suck it like a candy.
  5. Decoctions of herbs. The most effective treatment of cough in children by folk remedies is to give them a drink of hot herbal teas from thermopsis, peppermint or thyme.

Treatment of wet and allergic cough

Cough, which is accompanied by sputum, are treated in such ways:

  1. Boil the berries of the viburnum for 2-3 hours, wipe them and add honey in a ratio of 1: 1. Offer them to a small patient throughout the day.
  2. Bad experience with wet cough in children with folk remedies badger fat. He was rubbed into the chest of a sick kid for several days in a row.
  3. Combine in equal proportions mother-and-stepmother, marshmallow and oregano, pour a mixture of 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave to infuse for an hour and a half. Children are given 1-2 teaspoons (from 2 to 6 years, the dosage is 1 tsp, and from 7 years and older you can take 2 tsp).
  4. Take in the same number of pine buds, licorice, fennel, anise, sage and marshmallows and cook exactly the same as in the previous recipe. Infusion can be drunk throughout the day in a volume of up to half a glass.

Excellent results in the treatment of allergic cough in children by folk remedies give the following recipe: boil a liter of water, pour a glass of sugar into the hot water and add two untreated bulbs. Leave such onion broth to languish on low heat for at least an hour. Offer your child chilled up to 5 times a day for 0.5 cup.