Espumizan for children

The birth of a healthy child is a miracle and a great happiness for the family, but the first months of the baby's life, in addition to joy, bring most often unpleasant moments. This is due to colic in newborns, which appear in 70% of children, including healthy ones. With the correct development of the baby, they usually go to the 3rd month, but if the baby is on artificial feeding or there are any violations in his care, the colic may not go by a year.

Causes of colic and ways to eliminate them

The cause of bloating is considered to be the immaturity of the digestive system, usually to 3-4 months it is formed and the problems go away. The fact that help in overcoming these difficulties to the kid in the first months of his life is not only possible but also necessary. In addition to universal methods that can alleviate pain: applying heat to the tummy, massage, easy gymnastics, wearing a "pillar", there is also a drug. Most often, from a huge assortment of drugs aimed at improving digestion, parents choose espumizan for children, drawing on the experience of doctors and other happy families.

Composition and advantages of espumizane

The composition of the miracle cure does not include lactose and sugar, which makes it safe for children with diabetes and lactose insufficiency. The medicine is not absorbed by the stomach and helps to quickly relieve the pain in the tummy of the baby. An invaluable advantage is that espumizan can be used for infants from the first days of their life. In addition, this drug is not addictive.

Form and dosage of the medicine

The question "how to give children espumizan?" Is solved quite conveniently for parents: each package contains a detailed instruction, which should not be abandoned, and, depending on the form of the medicine, a convenient measuring spoon or a measuring cap.

There are three forms of release of this drug:

Many parents have a question: "how to give espumizan to an infant?". Labor is not any: an emulsion or drops are added directly to the baby's bottle, or given with a spoon before or after a meal, depending on how convenient it is for parents.

It should be remembered that Espumizan does not heal, but only relieves pain and discomfort, but is effective enough. And also vigilant parents should know that the drug has contraindications: intestinal obstruction, hypersensitivity to some components of the medicine. The life of our kids without pain and their quiet sleep are expensive, so do not save on attention, care, love and, if necessary, medications.