Unloading day on milk

Unloading day on milk allows the body to clean and get rid of excess fluid. Of course, one fasting day will not help remove fat deposits. However, due to the cleansing of the body and the positive influence on the metabolism , such a day of relief contributes to getting rid of excess weight.

Unloading days for weight loss in milk can only be carried out by those who tolerate milk well. If the body reacts to milk with a digestive disorder, then boiled milk should be consumed, and the daily dose should be reduced. If intolerance concerns only fresh milk, it is better to replace it with fermented milk products.

Variants of dairy days of release

There are different options for unloading days on milk:

  1. Unloading day only on milk . The daily diet should consist of a liter of low-fat milk. This amount of milk is broken into 5-6 receptions. Milk is drunk in small sips, holding in your mouth. The day is not easy to transfer, so it is better to do unloading at weekends. With severe fatigue and dizziness, you must add to the diet other foods: bread, cottage cheese, bran.
  2. Unloading day on cottage cheese and milk . This option is more suitable for those who are struggling with hunger. A day is allowed to eat 6 times. 4 meals consist of 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese. You can add 1 tablespoon to it. wheat bran, a little fruit or honey. The remaining two meals consist of a glass of milk or kefir. In addition, you can drink clean water.
  3. Unloading day on milk and black bread . The daily diet of this day consists of a liter of milk and 150 grams of black bread. Bread helps to get a feeling of satiety. If the fasting day is well tolerated, the amount of bread can be reduced. In addition, you can drink pure water and green tea without sugar.