Diet on plums

Plum is one of the few fruits that is equally useful when losing weight fresh, in the form of dried fruits and in the composition of other foods.

In the sink, depending on the variety, contains 46-49 calories, in prunes 240 calories, and in plum compote 96 calories per 100 grams. At the same time, all these products have a mild laxative and diuretic effect, which is so important in the fight against excess weight.

Despite the high caloric value, nutritionists recommend eating a few prunes every time before eating, this allows several times to reduce the portion of food eaten and speed up the work of the digestive tract.

Diet on Plums for Weight Loss

Diet on plums for weight loss involves the use of this fruit every day, so that the main thing in the menu was precisely this product. Of course, you ask, how can one eat only a plum?

This and do not need, because a diet on plums can combine a few low-calorie and healthy foods.

An approximate menu for a day for a plum diet:

  1. Breakfast . Oat flakes pour boiling water and add 4-5 pieces of prunes.
  2. Overshot . You can use fresh plums in any quantity.
  3. Lunch . A sandwich, made of black bread covered with a curd mass crushed with prunes and walnuts.
  4. Second snack . For the next snack, prepare yogurt from kefir 1% and plums (prunes) by cutting the ingredients in the blender.
  5. Dinner . For dinner, please yourself and your loved ones with a river trout baked in the oven with prunes dried apricots and nuts.

As you can see, to quickly cleanse your body of toxins and slags, and this is promoted by a diet on plums, you do not need to starve and eat only just one fruit.

To quickly lose weight, try a diet on plums and apples, which not only helps to lose weight, but also saturates the body with useful vitamins and minerals.

Using such a fruit diet, do not forget to use lactic acid products such as kefir, cottage cheese and curdled milk because they help to digest useful substances and reduce the total amount of carbohydrates consumed, which is also important for limiting caloric intake.