Diet of Elena Malysheva - menu and the best recipes of dietary dishes

Elena Malysheva - a doctor, a doctor of medical sciences and a well-known TV presenter, has been telling people from the blue screens about health for many years. She also presented several methods of weight loss to the public, which already helped many people get rid of excess weight .

Principles of the diet of Elena Malysheva

The technique presented by a well-known TV presenter is to reduce the consumption of fats and salt. Still unhealthy for the figure are simple carbohydrates, which are in baking, sweets, sweet vegetables and fruits. Malysheva, a diet for weight loss which is approved by nutritionists, says that you can achieve results if you follow the basic principles of nutrition.

  1. The hunger strike is prohibited . When the body does not receive the required amount of food, it begins to put it aside for any convenient case. If this rule is not taken into account, then the kilograms lost during the period of fasting will return back.
  2. Fractional power . The diet of Elena Malysheva means eating at least five times a day.
  3. Calorie counting . To start the processes of weight loss, the daily number of calories consumed should be 1200.
  4. Make the diet a way of life . The food offered by Malysheva is balanced and healthy, so they can enjoy an unlimited amount of time.

What foods are included in the diet of Elena Malysheva?

To get rid of excess weight, you need to change the food, removing harmful food from it and adding a useful one. There is a certain list of products offered by Elena Malysheva. Special sets she divided into groups: breakfasts, lunches, dinners and desserts. Proposed dishes are prepared from the available products, so there should not be any problems with this. A few examples of what is included in the diet of Elena Malysheva.

  1. Morning receptions : oatmeal, muesli with useful additives, millet porridge and an omelet.
  2. Dining tricks : potatoes with mushrooms with milk sauce, poultry fillets with potatoes or rice, spaghetti with meatballs or meatballs.
  3. Evening receptions : soup with mushrooms, pumpkin, broccoli, vegetable pilaf and chicken julienne.
  4. Desserts : nuts, candied fruits, soufflé with berry juice, cereal kozinaki and fruit bars.

Diet Malysheva - menu for the week

The doctor does not recommend unquestioningly observe the proposed diets, since they do not take into account the individual characteristics of the organism and the preferences of a person. It is best to use them as examples and taking into account existing rules. Diet Malysheva, whose menu should include five meals, is balanced. Note that the weight of the portion should not be more than 250 g. It is important to drink plenty of fluids to maintain metabolism, improve digestion and ensure proper cleaning of the intestine. Another rule - carbohydrates eat separately from proteins.

Tiny Toddler Weight Loss Recipes

Focusing on banned and allowed products, Elena offered a wide range of dishes intended for different meals. She did not forget about sweets, offering several options for desserts. The recipes of Elena Malysheva's diet are simple and there are no unique culinary secrets in cooking, the main thing is to take into account the existing prohibitions and use sparing options for heat treatment.

Salad "Brush" - recipe from Elena Malysheva

Vegetable salads are considered one of the most useful dishes for weight loss and recovery. This is due to the fact that in the composition of vegetables there are vitamins, minerals and fiber, from which the name "panicle" arose. Diet "Brush" from Elena Malysheva means cleaning the body of toxins and toxins that sweep like a broom. Unlike the classic salad recipe, the variant suggested by the doctor does not include olive oil.



  1. Beetroot and carrots clean, then, finely chop all the vegetables. You can use a grater for Korean salads.
  2. Mix the vegetables and add lemon juice. Stir and squeeze the salad with your hands to give juiciness and softness.

Cheese paneer according to Malysheva's recipe

Many varieties of cheeses presented in stores contain harmful substances, so if possible, they are better prepared at home. Cheese panier - an excellent option for breakfast, allowing you to speed up the metabolism. The product is non-caloric and natural, so it is easy to digest. If desired, you can add greens to the recipe.

Pannir is a recipe from Malysheva



  1. Milk warm, but do not bring to a boil. Pour into it juice squeezed out of citrus. Stir the liquid constantly.
  2. Almost immediately the milk will begin to curl up. A few minutes later, the process of stratification will occur.
  3. Take a sieve and cover it with gauze, and then pour the contents of the pot into it and wait for the serum to drain. Be sure to press the cheese mass.
  4. It only remains to put cheese under the press for several hours, using a plate and a jar of water. Immediately after this you can eat it.

Express diet Malysheva

When it is necessary to throw a few kilograms for a short period of time, then express methods can come to the rescue. The option offered by a well-known TV presenter allows you to lose up to five extra kilograms in 10 days. The express diet of Elena Malysheva implies the alternation of carbohydrate and protein days. The menu suggested by the doctor should be observed without changes.

Protein day:

  1. Breakfast : 1 tbsp. water on an empty stomach, hard-boiled egg, and a salad of greens.
  2. Lunch : 300 g fillets cooked in two waters without the addition of salt.
  3. Snack : 200 g of boiled fillet with greens;
  4. Dinner : 300 grams of boiled fillet with a salad of green vegetables. During the day, you need to drink 2 liters of water.

During the carbohydrate day, you need to eat a salad "Mite", the recipe of which we reviewed earlier and used for 0.5 kg of each vegetable. The received volume is divided into 7-8 portions, which are distributed per day. In addition, it is important not to forget about maintaining the water balance. For this diet Elena Malysheva needs five carbohydrate and protein days, which go one after another.

Diet Malysheva - day off

To improve the result of weight loss and the work of the digestive system, the doctor recommends unloading. With its help, there is a normalization of metabolic processes, purification from the products of disintegration and excess liquid, the water-salt balance is restored. The diet of Elena Malysheva - a fasting day is presented in several versions.

  1. Protein . For a day it is allowed to eat 5-6 servings of boiled fillet, and still need to drink 2 liters of water. Salt is forbidden to use, and when cooking, add lemon juice. With this unloading, you can lose about 800 g per day.
  2. Vegetable . A salad of celery, carrots and beets is prepared. For a day you need to eat 6-7 small portions. The volume of liquid is preserved. With this option, you can lose up to a kilogram per day.
  3. Grapefruit . Such unloading diet of Elena Malysheva allows you to get rid of one kilogram. During the day, 5 citrus are eaten and 10 cups of green tea are drunk. The volume of the liquid is the same.
  4. Rice . With the help of rice cereals, you can clean the body. The daily amount of finished porridge - 1 kg and this amount is divided into 5-6 portions. Do not forget about the liquid.

Diet of Elena Malysheva - contraindications

Due to the fact that the presented technique of weight loss is developed by a doctor, the possible harm is minimal. To the minuses can be attributed a small amount of permitted salt, but Malysheva assures that the necessary norm is in vegetables and fruits. Contraindications Malysheva diet following: gastritis, cholecystitis, ulcer, hepatitis, frequent constipation and urolithiasis. It is not recommended to adhere to this method of losing weight with kidney and heart diseases, and with frequent constipation.