Axillary lymphadenitis

Do you know that there is a true guardian of our health? Do you think doctors, medicines, or something like that? And here and did not guess - the main and never dormant guard lives in us and is called the lymphatic system.

In the body of each person there are many lymph nodes of different sizes. Their number may vary depending on the presence of some disease, and sometimes even fail. Then there is their inflammation, called lymphadenitis. On one of the types of such a malfunction, axillary lymphadenitis, and will be discussed below.

What is the cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes?

First, let's look at what causes inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm. Believe me, there can be a lot of reasons for this. But the most interesting is that by the time of acute lymphadenitis or exacerbation of its chronic form, they manage to either disappear or hide properly. And yet they must be known at least in order to prevent as much as possible the inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes in the future.

So, since the lymphatic system is a cleansing filter of our body, the causes of axillary lymphadenitis can be any infections of the upper part of the trunk, arms and neck. After all, under the mouse is going to lymph fluid from the lungs and bronchi, teeth and tonsils, hands and joints of hands.

Of course, the presence of caries or bronchitis - is not a guarantee of the emergence of acute axillary lymphadenitis, but, as the sages say, God cares. Also in a special risk group are people with pulmonary tuberculosis , severely weakened immunity and various tumors, both benign and malignant. And, finally, lymphadenitis in the armpit, as an independent disease, can develop with a trauma to the lymph node.

Symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the mouse

How can you determine that an unpleasant disease begins, and it's time to seek help from doctors? To do this, you need to know the symptoms of axillary lymphadenitis.

  1. The initial form . At the very beginning of the development of acute lymphadenitis, you can practically nothing to bother. Unless the feeling of minor discomfort under the arm and a minimal increase in lymph nodes, which you yourself can feel. No soreness, no redness of the skin, no temperature, and this is the main catch, lulling vigilance. If at this stage you do not go to the doctor, the process can quickly develop first into a serous and then into a purulent form.
  2. Serous form . In the second stage of axillary lymphadenitis, the feeling of discomfort becomes permanent and interfering, the hand wants to be taken to the side and not to be lowered any more. Lymph nodes increase, and when touched, they respond with pain resembling pain from a boil. The skin above them is red and hot to the touch. In advanced stages, the axillary tissues and lymph nodes merge together and represent a dense hot and painful lump, called a packet in medicine. The general condition in this case may not suffer.
  3. Purulent form . If serous lymphadenitis is not treated, it goes into a purulent form. And here, to the picture described above, general weakness, an increase in body temperature, and the lymph nodes fester and become like a large bunch of grapes. In a word, the picture is worse. In especially neglected cases, if you do not provide competent treatment, suppuration burns the skin, and at this point a fistula is formed.

Treatment of axillary node inflammation

Now there is a natural question, what treatment will help with inflammation of the lymph nodes. The answer is obvious: first, under the supervision of a doctor, usually a surgeon. Secondly, an individual approach, depending on the form and stage of the disease.

At the very beginning of acute lymphadenitis, local antibiotic therapy may suffice for treatment. In a more neglected state, drugs will be more powerful and spread throughout the body. And with suppuration, it is unequivocally an operation with subsequent drainage and drug therapy.

In especially severe cases, when the disease becomes chronic, the only way out is to completely remove recurrent lymph nodes. So, if you suspected axillary lymphadenitis, with the treatment of axillary node inflammation, you should not pull.