A neckerchief on the neck

The scarf on the neck is an absolutely universal accessory. In its variety - from a knitted scarf around the neck to a silk neck scarf, this accessory provides many options for updating the image.

How to wear a kerchief around your neck?

To change your image without much expense, use a variety of scarves and scarves tied around your neck. Pick them up in color clothes (or 1-2 shades lighter or darker) to shade the main color gamut of your outfit, or experiment with contrasting combinations.

How to tie a kerchief around your neck?

Ways how beautiful to tie a neckerchief around your neck is also abundant. For example, you can twist a "tube" from the scarf - a bandage around your neck, and tie it to a double knot or bow, shifting it slightly to the side. This option to tie neckerchiefs around the neck goes to women of fashion who have a long neck, and look great with a V-neck.

Another way is to fold the kerchief in half, and on the neck we have the resulting right angle. The edges are wrapped around the neck and crossed, then tied with a knot and straighten the ends. This version of wearing a neck scarf looks good with sports jackets or outerwear.

No less beautiful way - we fold the kerchief in the same way as in the previous case, wrap around the neck (if the scarf is long, then wrap it several times). The remainder of the free edge of the handkerchief is put under the kerchief and leave hanging, to the right or left of the center.

Owners of not the longest neck are not recommended to use a neck scarf. But if you really want, then you can use a brooch or clip to fix the scarf. We fold the kerchief twice, we throw on the shoulders (the triangular part remains on the back), and in front fix the edges of the kerchief in a convenient way. If there is no special brooch, use for this purpose the usual ring from the fittings.