Displacement of the vertebrae of the lumbar region

Such a serious pathology, as the displacement of the vertebrae of the lumbar spine (spondylolisthesis), can occur at any age. There are two forms of displacement, depending on the direction of vertebral displacement: retroolisthesis (backward displacement) and ventrolisthesis (forward displacement), however, deformation can be more complicated. For a long time the ailment can not make itself felt (up to several years), but the pathological process is constantly progressing and often causes complications.

Causes of displacement of the vertebrae of the lumbar region

Let's list the factors, one or more of which can provoke this pathology:

The most often diagnosed displacement 5, as well as 4 vertebrae of the lumbar region, tk. it is this site that is most exposed and vulnerable. In this case, the displacement of the fifth vertebra of the lumbar region leads to a fracture of its pedicle (the formation that connects the vertebral body to the facet joints).

Symptoms of displacement of the vertebrae of the lumbar region

Pathology begins to manifest itself with the following symptoms:

As the progression appears such signs:

Effects of displacement of the lumbar vertebra:

Treatment of lumbar vertebrae displacement

In this pathology, depending on the severity of the process, conservative or surgical therapy can be prescribed. Conservative treatment is based on the following treatment measures:

  1. The use of medicines: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (internally, externally), muscle relaxants, glucocorticosteroids in the form of injections (with severe pains), chondroprotectors, vitamins.
  2. Physiotherapeutic treatment: deep back massage of the muscles, heat treatment, electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy, mud therapy, etc.
  3. Spinal cord trauma, manual therapy , reflexotherapy.
  4. Therapeutic exercises for muscle strengthening.
  5. Wearing a corset, minimizing the load on the lumbar region.

In severe cases of displacement of the vertebrae of the lumbar spine, an operation is aimed at stabilizing the spine and reducing compression of the nerve endings. Effective is the surgical method of vertebral plasty, and removal of the vertebra and excess scar tissue can also be performed.