Iodinol from nail fungus

Usually, the instructions attached to the package of Iodinol, there is no mention of its use in the fungus of the nails of the feet . However, there is a lot of evidence that the regular procedure for treating the surface of the nail plate with this tool gives colossal results. The main thing is to start treatment in time.

What is the basis for the application of Iodinol in fungus on nails?

The fact that the fungus has a protein nature and under the influence of iodine folds and subsequently collapses completely. Molecular iodine, which is the main active ingredient, combined in one vial with polyvinyl alcohol, is a solution of iodinol. It has a pronounced antiseptic property. Some people have a question - why should I use Iodinol? After all, there is ordinary iodine. Iodinol - a more gentle means, because due to the polyvinyl component significantly reduces its irritant effect.

Inflicted on the nail and the surrounding area of ​​the skin (it also happens to be affected by a fungus) Iodinol absorbs very quickly. Thus, the metabolic processes in the tissues are restarted. And fungal formations, on the contrary, begin to decay. After all, the drug has a disastrous effect on the pathogenic microflora of virtually all species of fungi. Upon contact with nails and skin, Iodinol solution begins the process of conversion to iodides (30%) and active iodine (70%). But do not be afraid that in the body there will be an overabundance of iodine. It is absorbed only in part.

Effective recipes with iodinoloyum against nail fungus

If local application is recommended in most cases to alternate it with other drugs every other day, then in case of treatment of nail fungus with iodine, the frequency of nail plate treatment should be at least 2-4 times a day. That is, even working every day, such manipulations can be carried out in the morning and in the evening. This method of treatment does not require the imposition of lotions, bandaging. It is enough only with a cotton swab or a small cosmetic brush to take a solution of Iodinol and spread them the nails damaged by the fungus.

But there are other treatments with Iodinol:

In the first case, you can not do without additional "tools":

A piece of cotton pad is heavily wetted in Iodinol, wrapped in cellophane film and fixed. If you wrap the finger several times with a film, you can do without additional fixation. This kind of compress of Iodinol needs to be done 2 times a day. And he should stay on his nails for at least 12 hours. Treatment is carried out for 5 days with a 3-day break, in which the nail is processed with vegetable oil. How many courses will be required depends on the neglect of the disease.

It is possible to make compresses from a celandine powder mixed with Iodinol. Further all on the above described scheme. True, Iodinol, diluted with other components, will require a one-week course, after which a break is made.