Shades of red

As you know, gentlemen prefer blondes, but they can not look away from the bright red-haired beauty. Shades of red color have the ability to enhance the brightness of other colors, because a girl with such hair, and even in clothes with a rift is simply doomed to attention from the strong half. The palette of red hues is quite diverse and any woman can choose a suitable shade.

Shades of red color - choose your

Depending on the saturation and depth, conditionally all shades of this fashionable color can be divided into several groups:

  1. Dark shades of red. Most likely, a dark saturated color with golden-chocolate overflows is associated with you in the fall. Indeed, chestnut or rich tea colors are ideal for off-season and cold season. You can boldly look for clothes in business and classical style in this color scheme, because the dark shades of red are very close to the base brown and red. As for the color-type , it's worth to pay attention to the golden and chocolate overflows of "autumn", "winter", and contrast "fly."
  2. Classic warm shades of red are closer to the orange-brown scale. This palette is more energetic and good friends with active red, copper, golden, plum, brown and olive shades. This is the perfect solution for "autumn" and contrast "summer" with white skin and dark hair. To the palette of red hues can be attributed red-red and orange-red. These two shades are traditionally chosen by autumn women, combining it with dark saturated colors of purple, chestnut, emerald or red.
  3. Light red hues are equally good for "fly" and "autumn" with light skin and hair. In this case, the color scale is much easier and will fit perfectly into the summer wardrobe. From the colors of companions it is worth paying attention to blue, lavender, amethyst, chestnut, purple and of course green.
  4. Light shades of red with a delicate pink tint are called copper. This is a color solution for "winter" and "summer". Copper, which is very close to a light coral shade, is also often used in a summer wardrobe. Among the other shades of red, this light and relatively calm, so that for the office quite fit. And its complexity allows to put on "copper" things for evening events. The more complex the color combination, the more advantageous it will look copper-red color: try a tandem with a sea wave, purple, mint and blue.