16 known people with autism

Do you know what Asperger syndrome is? Surely you've heard about this disorder, just under a different name. Asperger syndrome is a form of autism. Many people think that people with this diagnosis live an inferior life, but this is not true.

A lot of "sick" made a huge contribution to the development of modern society. Below we will tell about the most famous "autistics".

1. Stanley Kubrick

The famous director found it difficult to find a common language with people and was very picky about the details. But it was this meticulousness that helped make his paintings special. Who knows, Stanley would have been able to become famous if he did not have Asperger's syndrome.

2. Dan Aikroyd

The Canadian actor admitted, if not for his diagnosis, he could hardly have played one of his most famous roles - in the movie "Ghostbusters". As you know, the circle of interests of autistics is rather narrow, but in their hobbies people with Asperger's syndrome go deep 100%. At the time of filming, Dan was obsessed with ghosts and the work of law enforcement agencies, which made him an ideally suitable candidate for the role.

3. Robin Williams

His clumsiness coupled with hyperactivity forced the experts to think about the fact that the celebrity suffers from Asperger's syndrome. Unfortunately, Robin had another problem - the comedian regularly had to deal with depression. The latter and brought him to the grave.

4. Michelangelo

The famous artist of the Renaissance was famous for being unable to maintain friendly relations with anyone. Experts who studied his case, suggested that it was precisely his non-communication that helped Michelangelo to concentrate more on his own creativity.

5. Charles Richter

The seismologist was not a public person, he did not like secular receptions and places of large crowds. Charles was not an active interlocutor ... until it came to earthquakes. Richter could talk about them for hours, and this is one of the typical signs of autism.

6. Susan Boyle

Famous Scottish singer experts diagnosed "brain damage" even at birth. Subsequently, he was challenged and found wrong, but doctors are sure that the mental disorder - most likely, autism - remains. And this can explain why Susan does not always manage to control her emotions.

7. Abraham Lincoln

Love for routine work, hard character and frequent depressions pushed psychologists to the idea that Lincoln was an autistic. But as you know, this absolutely did not prevent Abraham from becoming the greatest president. Unless depression made life difficult for him.

8. Daryl Hannah

In his youth, communication with people was a real torture for Daryl. At times she even had to sit, rocking back and forth to calm down. But Hannah decided not to give up, successfully defeated most of her fears and became a famous Hollywood actress.

9. Courtney Love

The legendary rocker and widow of Kurt Cobain was diagnosed with "autism" at the age of 9. Courtney did not dare to talk about her illness for a long time, but eventually admitted that Asperger's syndrome still influenced her character, world perception and behavior.

10. Andy Warhol

Andy is an eccentric person. His work in something similar to each other, and this may well indicate autism. Warhol - another confirmation of the fact that Asperger's syndrome very favorably affects the work of artists ...

11. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

It was hard for him to be in the company of people, but his first composition Wolfgang Amadeus wrote at the age of 5 years.

12. Bill Gates

Officially, his diagnosis was not confirmed, but observant specialists are almost sure that Bill has Asperger syndrome. Firstly, he often swings back and forth. Secondly, Gates contemptuously refers to contradictory opinions. These are the classic signs of the disease. Seeing them from a person like Bill Gates, other patients are inspired and begin to believe in themselves.

13. Isaac Asimov

The Russian-American scientist became famous for his work "I, Robot". But this is not his only work. On the account of Azimov more than 500 books, and almost each of them is incredibly fascinating.

14. Vladimir Putin

The seed of doubt was sown by the Pentagon's analytical center. Specialists are not sure that the president of the Russian Federation has the Asperger syndrome, but they suggest that certain changes in his neurological development occurred in infancy.

15. Emily Dickinson

After reading all of the above, the fact that Asperger syndrome was diagnosed and one of the greatest poetesses should not seem surprising to you.

16. Thomas Jefferson

The fact that Thomas Jefferson could have been one of the forms of autism has been confirmed by several psychologists at the same time. The well-known politician was very shy, did not find a common language with people, differed hypersensitivity to loud sounds. The disorder could have been observed since childhood, but unfortunately, most of the documents describing his behavior at an early age have been burned, so psychologists can not give an objective assessment.