Here's an ideal way for you to understand your child.
Cassie Martin's profile in Instagram practically does not differ from the profiles of other teenage girls, that's just bad luck - her dad simply brazenly copies each photo, and he already has twice as many subscribers!
Meet - it's Chris "Burr" Martin or Dad, who fun trolit daughter in Instagram!
As a rule, the relationship of parents and teenage children does not always develop smoothly. The older generation pretends that it does not remember what they were like at that age, but the grown-up scions in every act of "ancestors" see not custody or care, but surveillance or even control. But not in this case ...
Pope Cassie Martin managed to do something that even the army of psychologists is unable to do - to make friends with their children, to earn their respect and to be the best example. Although for this he periodically has to do duck sponges, wear tight-fitting things and even draw eyebrows! Yes, Chris Martin peeks at her daughter's page in social networks, then exactly copies her image in the photo and puts her answer in the form of a collage "before" and "after". In general, this story will definitely make you smile!