Types of appearance of women

Sometimes I want changes so much. Often, it's about changing the image , but even if you have trusted a change in your image to a professional, expectations are not always justified. This is because there are types of women's appearance and, first of all, changes should only emphasize the type of each beauty.

Types of women's appearance: what are they?

  1. Southern type . It is characterized by dark chestnut or black curls, eyes are brown, blue or dark green. The skin is swarthy or olive, but with a characteristic cold shade. The only small drawback is the tendency to pigmentation. She quickly tans, acquiring a gentle-olive color, and this is certainly a positive property. If we talk about hair, then women of the southern type, they have dark shades, sometimes with a cold ashy glint. Eyelashes and eyebrows burning darker, and lips enchant men with their succulent form. Experts recommend choosing clothes bright green, red, blue or orange shades. Clothing should be chosen, in the first place, the color of the eyes.
  2. Scandinavian type of appearance of women - rather blonde hair, blue, gray-green, blue or gray eyes. There is not enough melanin in the skin, which is why it is tender pink in women of this type. They are also very tall. Clothes in blue, black tones - exactly what they will feel confident and beautiful. Girls with this appearance - the indigenous population of the Nordic countries (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, etc.).
  3. The European type is red, light brown or light brown. Eye color - green, blue, gray-green. The skin of most women is dark. It will not be superfluous if the beauties with European appearance in the wardrobe will find clothes of pastel, not screaming tones.

Types of Women's Face

There are the following types of person who significantly affect, as well as the choice of make-up , and clothing:

  1. The oval shape is characterized by a rounded chin line, narrowed to the forehead and chin to the face. In the temples it is slightly wider than in the area of ​​the lower jaw.
  2. Round. In this case, the line of the chin has soft outlines, it is more rounded. The length of the face is equal to the width. There are smooth facial curves.
  3. Square - the same width of the forehead, cheekbones, cheeks.
  4. Pear-shaped - the forehead and cheekbones are already chin, and the face itself narrows to the temples.
  5. Heart-shaped - a pointed chin, with cheekbones wider than the chin, and the hairline is wider than the lower facial part.
  6. Rhomboid - the face is slightly stretched, the cheekbones are mostly pointed and high.
  7. Long face shape - the length exceeds the width. Chin pointed, cheekbones high, forehead broadened.