Difference of spermatogenesis from oogenesis

The process of reproduction, growth and further maturation of germ cells in biology is usually called the term "gametogenesis". In this case, the biological process in which growth occurs, and then the maturation of sex cells in women, is called oogenesis, and male is spermatogenesis. Despite the great similarity, they have many differences. Let's take a closer look and make a comparative analysis of both processes: oogenesis and spermatogenesis.

What's the Difference?

The first difference between spermatogenesis and ovogenesis is the fact that in addition to the stage of reproduction, maturation, growth, there is also a fourth - formation. It is during this period that the male reproductive cells form an apparatus for movement, as a result of which they acquire an elongated shape, which facilitates their movement.

The second distinctive feature can be called the feature that at the stage of division from the spermatocyte of 1 order, 4 sexual cells are obtained immediately, and only one female reproductive cell is prepared from the first order oocyte, ready for fertilization.

When comparing the data of 2 processes (oogenesis and spermatogenesis), it should also be noted that meiosis of the sex cells in women is observed even at the stage of intrauterine development, i.ะต. babies are born immediately with oocytes of the 1st order. Maturation of them ends only with the onset of sexual maturity of the girl. In men, however, the formation of spermatozoa occurs continuously, during the entire period of puberty.

Another of the differences in spermatogenesis and oogenesis is the feature that in the male body, up to 30 million spermatozoa are formed daily, and women only matures 500 eggs throughout their lives.

It should also be noted that the stage of reproduction during the process of spermatogenesis occurs continuously, while in the oogenesis it ends immediately after birth.

Summarizing this characteristic of oogenesis and spermatogenesis, I would like to note that, because the formation of oocytes begins before the girl's birth, and completes for the egg only after fertilization, harmful environmental factors can lead to genetic abnormalities in the offspring .