Douching soda for conception

On the dangers and benefits of syringing soda there are several common opinions. Especially it concerns syringing with soda for conception. Some believe that this method does not bring any results, others - that it is effective if you can not get pregnant for a long time.

The fact is that in the internal sexual organs of a woman nature provides a highly acidic environment. In such an environment pathogenic microorganisms perish, whereas in an alkaline environment they feel excellent.

However, like microbes, male sperm prefer a more alkaline medium. And the acidic environment of the vagina acts on the spermatozoa rather detrimental. However, not everything is so bad. Acidity in the vagina varies depending on the day of the cycle. In days before ovulation, the environment changes to a less acidic one. And the alkaline ejaculate of a man to some extent neutralizes the acid of the vagina, and at this time the surviving agile spermatozoa rush to the fallopian tubes.

Why do syringing with soda before conception?

It happens that the acidity in the vagina does not decrease sufficiently by the time of ovulation, or the seminal fluid has an insufficient level of pH and its amount is insufficient to neutralize the acid. Of course, it happens that both these variants coincide in time. In this case, you can resort to artificial neutralization of the acid with the help of conventional baking soda.

Soda solution for syringing has a pronounced alkaline reaction. Therefore, before using it, you need to consult a gynecologist about the advisability of such manipulation. The level of acidity of the vagina is determined by means of test strips. If the test result has a negative postcoital value, the doctor may recommend syringing with soda. At the same time, a part of the mucus from the cervix is ​​washed off and the chemical barrier becomes less strong.

How to make syringing soda?

For syringing you need a weak solution of soda, cooked on the basis of a glass of hot water and a quarter teaspoon of baking soda. After thorough mixing, the solution should be allowed to cool to room temperature. Douching soda at home is done with a conventional syringe, where the prepared solution is pumped. In the vagina, soda should be administered about half an hour or an hour before the alleged sexual intercourse. Instead of a soda solution, you can use mineral alkaline water or ready-made pharmacy solutions.

The probability of pregnancy after syringing soda is slightly higher. However, do not abuse this method, since the alkaline environment, as already mentioned, is an excellent condition for the propagation of non-useful microorganisms. It is better to calculate the approximate date of ovulation in advance and in its lead-up to hold 1-2 douches. The effect of soda douching persists for 3-4 days.

When you can not do syringing with soda?

Contraindications to the douching procedure are:

Recommendations for those who decided to try syringing soda for conception of the child: