Red spots on the palms

Any changes in the body are undesirable and suspicious. Especially if these changes affect the skin. Particularly frightening look incomprehensible whence appearing red patches on the palms. The skin on the palms is considered the most stable, ready for various worldly difficulties. Therefore, when rashes appear even on it, it at least makes you alert.

Why did the red spots appear on the palms?

Indeed, a rash on the palms can not just appear. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a specialist immediately after the onset of the first symptoms. The reasons for the appearance of red spots can be quite a lot, but they are all united by one common characteristic - they must be dealt with immediately.

Among the main reasons for the formation of red spots on the palms can be identified the following:

  1. One of the most important causes is dermatitis. The allergic form of the disease occurs most often. In this case, the spots will be concentrated on that part of the skin that has lasted longer with the allergen. For example, a rash on the palms may appear if you have used a new unchecked cleaner for utensils without gloves.
  2. In some people, spots on the palms appear as a result of a sharp temperature drop. In this case, the touch can be dry to the touch. Appear spots immediately after contact of the skin with cold air or water. This is due to a sharp narrowing of the capillaries and a decrease in the flow of blood to the skin.
  3. Causes redness and hormonal drugs. Red spots sometimes appear in pregnant women on the background of a sharp change in the hormonal background. For the same reason, teenagers in transition can face the problem.
  4. Rapidly increasing in size red itchy spots on the palms can be a sign of oncology. Therefore, it is recommended to contact a specialist with such a problem immediately.
  5. Not everyone knows that herpes is manifested not only on the lips. In fact, the virus can hit absolutely any part of the body, including the hands. Because of herpes, painful and itchy red spots form on the palms.
  6. Rash is also a consequence of stress or a strong nervous shock.
  7. Another reason for the formation of redness is Lana's disease or erythema . This is a hereditary disease. The spots with erythema are bright crimson. The rash does not spread over the body and does not go beyond the palms of the hands. Lana's disease shows up only with red spots. If there are any accompanying symptoms, such as fever or inflammation of the mucous, you need to conduct a survey to determine the cause of the rash.
  8. Spots can also appear against the background of insect bites.

What should I do if my hands get covered with red spots?

Curing for a rash is not categorically recommended. As you can see, there are quite a lot of red spots. With our own forces, it is almost impossible to determine what exactly caused the rash. And accordingly, the chances of finding the right treatment are quite low.

There are quite a few methods of treatment:

  1. Those patients who have red spots on their palms are itching, specialists can prescribe antihistamines or special creams and ointments.
  2. Sometimes treatment should be aimed at strengthening immunity .
  3. Treatment of allergic diseases requires compliance with a special diet, rejection of bad habits.
  4. People suffering from low temperatures, you need to protect the skin from frost and cold wind.
  5. In some cases, you can save yourself from unpleasant red patches on the palms with natural lotions and compresses.
  6. To help antibiotics doctors resort very rarely, although in some cases it is almost impossible to do without them.