Gel for gums with inflammation

Inflammation of gums is often not seriously perceived, but problems can be delivered very, very much. Timely treatment will get rid of any manifestations of the disease quickly and easily. The best for inflammation are gels for gums. A wide range of various anti-inflammatory drugs allows you to find the right tool for everyone.

When are anti-inflammatory gels for gums required?

Even a small drop of blood when brushing your teeth can be regarded as a warning sign. Usually, inflammation of the gums begins with the bleeding of the teeth. There are other symptoms in the disease:

The best gels for the treatment of gum disease

Although basically gels for gums have no contraindications, self-medication is not recommended. To find the most suitable anti-inflammatory agent is possible only after consulting a specialist.

The best healing gels for gums are the following:

  1. Metrogil Denta is a preparation containing an antibiotic. It is made on the basis of metronidazole and chlorhexidine. Metrogil is used topically. In the gums, the medication is not absorbed very well, but the effectiveness of it does not decrease.
  2. Heparin ointment copes well with periodontal disease. The drug helps to improve microcirculation in tissues. Ointment relieves swelling and pain.
  3. When inflammation is effective gel for gums Kamistad . The preparation perfectly anesthetizes. It is based on chamomile extract and lidocaine hydrochloride. After applying the gel, there may be numbness in the gums and tongue.
  4. Troxevasin is designed to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. After using this gel, bleeding stops completely.
  5. Almost ideal for the treatment of gums is the gel Asepta . The agent has antimicrobial and antiseptic action. The sticky base allows the gel to stick to the gums longer than usual, thereby eliminating more harmful microorganisms.
  6. Many dentists recommend Holisal . This means, acting in a complex. It kills germs, relieves swelling and pain. Moreover, it does it all quite quickly.
  7. Gels against inflammation of the gums Elgyfluor and Elyugel are also considered good . Medications stop blood, help with trauma, can be used for preventive purposes.