Papilloma on the nipple

Papilloma is a benign neoplasm that is caused by a papillomavirus infection . However, not every carrier of human papillomavirus has tumor-like proliferation. This may depend on the strength of the immune defense, such as the virus of the papilloma (the degree of its oncogenicity), the impact on the body of other unfavorable factors (stress, excessive physical exertion, hypothermia) and hormonal changes during pregnancy. The appearance of papillomas in various parts of the body can be explained by a decrease in local immunity or a certain tropism of the virus to a particular tissue. Next, we will consider the possible causes of the appearance of papillomas on the breast nipple and how to deal with them.

Causes of papilloma of the nipples

As already mentioned, the frequent occurrence of papilloma on the nipple is a decrease in local immunity and a high sensitivity of some types of virus to breast tissue. So, the appearance of papilloma on the nipple during pregnancy is also caused by hormonal changes in the body, and the breast is one of the most vulnerable places. Papilloma can form both on the halo of the nipple, and near the nipple. The growth of the papilloma can be external (benign formation visibly protrudes over the surface of the breast), and maybe internal (grows into the thickness of the breast).

Features of papillomas removal on the nipple

If the papilloma appears on the chest or nipple, then it is necessary to make an appointment with a dermatologist or oncologist for a consultation to determine what type of growth in the neoplasm (external or internal). So, to remove the external papilloma on the breast (nipple) is much easier than the internal one. The most common and modern methods of treating external papillomas are the effects of low temperatures (cryodestruction), radio wave therapy and laser removal. With internal growth of papilloma, the patient is likely to be offered a sectoral resection of the breast. The removed site (both with external and internal growth) containing the papilloma cells is necessarily examined in the histology department.

Thus, the appearance of papilloma on the nipple in a woman should alert her, and how strong is her immune system? Removal of papillomatous education - this is half the treatment, it is necessary to follow the doctor's advice on the rehabilitation process and improve immunity.