Fat diet for weight loss

Almost every slimming program involves the rejection of fatty foods, but there is a very effective diet based on eating fat-rich foods. This method of weight loss was developed by Polish dietician Yan Kwasniewski, and today the fat diet for weight loss is very popular.

Fat diet Kvasnevsky

According to the system of Jan Kwasniewski, the food should be consumed in a relaxed atmosphere, without hurrying and not being distracted by TV and talking, every bit must be thoroughly chewed, and after you have eaten it is necessary to give the body to rest for 15 minutes and then to do their own things. The fat diet assumes that the daily menu will include products that give the body a large amount of energy, namely animal proteins and fats contained in eggs, fat, meat, cheese, sour cream, milk, cottage cheese, etc. Also this diet allows in small quantities the use of such products as potatoes, pasta , vegetables, bread. From fruit Kvasnevsky advises to abstain, believing that those vitamins that are contained in them can be obtained by eating meat, and instead of apple or orange, it is better to drink a glass of pure still water.

Consider the approximate menu of Kwasniewski's fat diet:

  1. For breakfast: fried eggs, bread with butter, a glass of milk or a cup of tea.
  2. For lunch: a small piece of fried pork, 150 g of mashed potatoes, salted cucumber, a cup of tea.
  3. For dinner: two or three cheese rolls with fatty sour cream or melted butter, a shepherd , a glass of kefir or milk.

Jan Kwasniewski argues that if you strictly follow all the recommendations, then after some time the hated kilograms will start to disappear.