Leuzea - ​​application

Leuzea is a herbaceous plant from which it is possible to make tonic and fortifying tinctures, decoctions and extracts. They are used to fight a variety of diseases, because they have a beneficial effect on virtually all systems of the body.

Indications for the use of leuzea

The application of the Leuzea root in medicine is widespread. The roots of this plant contain tannins, resins, inulin, essential oils, alkaloids and a large amount of ascorbic acid. Due to this, the preparations made by their roots of this plant have a tonic and stimulating effect on the nervous system. Indications for the use of the leuzea tincture are:

Decoctions and tinctures from the roots of this herb are used to increase the tone in the oppressed state. They help to improve appetite, heart function and normalize blood pressure.

The use of leuzea tincture is widespread in vegetative dystonia and depressive state in the climacteric period. It will help restore the body after suffering severe illnesses.

Levsey acts excitably on the male reproductive system, so it is used for impotence. Infusion of rhizomes of this herb is a salutary for alcoholism and depression.

The use of medicines, which are based on leuzea, can reduce the sugar content in the blood. That's why they are advised to use those who suffer from diabetes.

Athletes from this plant help to recover from the injuries and improve their performance. But in addition to the curative effect of the use of grass leuzea, those who engage in sports, can rely on a faster build-up of muscle mass. The main active substances of the plant have an anabolic effect, that is, they contribute to the accumulation of protein in the muscles.

Contraindications to the use of leuzea

The use of drugs from Leuzea has no age limits. But they can not be used when:

The use of essential oil leuzea is contraindicated in the acute period of infectious diseases.