Radish with honey from cough

Probably, one of the most famous and effective folk remedies for coughing is a black radish with honey. This mixture is an effective immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent, promotes the dilution of sputum and is used in the treatment of many respiratory diseases - from ordinary cough to acute bronchitis .

Radish from a cough

The most effective cough remedy is black radish. Due to the large content of essential oils with bactericidal properties, it deserved high marks from folk doctors. Both white and green radish can also be used to make the medicine in the ways described above, but the remedy is more "soft".

To further soften the bronchi radish juice is recommended to be added to the milk. For this:

  1. In a glass of milk, dissolve two tablespoons of honey.
  2. Add the juice of one medium-sized radish.
  3. The received means are drunk during the day for 5 receptions.

Recipes with a radish from a cough

The most popular recipe:

  1. Medium-sized radish should be washed thoroughly.
  2. Cut off the top and remove part of the pulp.
  3. In the resulting cavity put the honey, not filling to the end, and cover with a cut top as a lid. Leaving the place is necessary, as the radish quickly releases the juice.
  4. Radish is left for 12 hours, after which the resulting juice is drained with honey, and a new portion of honey is added to the radish.

From one radish usually get 2-3 servings of juice. Take the medicine three times a day, 1 tablespoon before eating.

There is also an easier method, used in the event that you do not want to wait 12 hours:

  1. A large radish is washed, cleaned, rubbed on a grater.
  2. Through the cheesecloth, squeeze out the juice from it.
  3. Then the liquid is mixed with about two tablespoons of honey.

The resulting remedy can be consumed as soon as the honey completely dissolves.

For some people honey is a strong allergen. In this case, when preparing a medicine, it is replaced with sugar, although the effectiveness of such a tool is somewhat lower.

Another recipe for cough medicine is that a few medium sized redeks, cut into thin slices or cubes, are poured into a jar and poured with honey. In this case, it is necessary to insist, as in the first prescription, 12 hours. But while the radish does not dry out in the air, it does not need to drain the juice and additionally fill honey, but just use the finished mixture until it is over.