Diet on bananas

Those who wish to lose 3-4 kg in a short time will benefit from the famous banana diet, which lasts 7 days.

Diet on bananas and milk

The menu of this meal plan is not too diverse, but a hungry person will not feel exactly.

  1. On the first day, you can eat 1 banana for breakfast and any vegetable salad without refueling, lunch consists of the same salad and chicken breast (100 g), for dinner you can consume 1 banana and 200 ml of milk.
  2. On the second day, breakfast consists of a banana and a glass of milk , the lunch menu repeats breakfast, and dinner consists of only one fruit.
  3. Breakfast of the third day consists of a banana, for lunch you can drink a glass of milk and eat a salad of fresh vegetables without refueling, and for dinner you drink 200 ml of milk.

Then you should repeat all the days from the very beginning. The seventh day of the diet is unloading, that is allowed to drink water and green tea, you can also afford 1 glass of freshly squeezed juice, preferably apple or orange.

Since the diet is based on bananas and milk, rich in potassium and protein, you will not feel hungry or exhausted.

Japanese diet on bananas

Another variant of such a diet looks like this - a breakfast of 1 banana, a snack of 200 g of milk or kefir , a banana dinner, dinner and a snack of 200 g of kefir. To adhere to this plan of a food it is possible no more than 3 days, and it can be repeated not earlier than in 2 weeks as it concerns to mono-diets.

It does not matter whether you choose the first meal plan or you will like the Japanese version more, in any case, do not forget to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day, it will not be superfluous to start taking vitamins in this period. If you feel bad, your head will become dizzy or you will feel drowsiness and tiredness constantly, stop observing the diet.