Flowers on the balcony

The presence of a balcony opens the possibility for the growers to create their own green corner directly in the apartment, because a relatively small space can be used for growing flowers. Own oasis does not require much labor and special skills, it is enough only to find suitable pots and pick up those plants that can coexist nearby and almost in the open air.

How to decorate a balcony with flowers?

First you need to decide which plants you would like to see on your balcony. If it is not glazed, then it is better to give preference to those colors that refer to the one-year-old. Flowers on the balcony in winter can remain only if it is glazed and insulated, rare plants are able to withstand a decrease in temperature.

Ampelnye flowers on the balcony - the best option, they occupy space at the top, shoots descend to you, and the rest of the balcony can be used at its own discretion, for example, for other pots with beautiful plants.

For balcony gardening it makes sense to stock up long boxes. With a certain desire, you can fix such boxes from the outside of the balcony and plant them with plants such as snapdragon, koleus, perelac, petunia, balsam. Significantly, on which side is your balcony, for the southern direction you should choose flowers that love the sun, while on the northern balconies it is better to plant shade-tolerant plants.

Decoration of the balcony with flowers

If you want to get a real paradise, think about how to harmoniously arrange a balcony. Choose for top pots ampel petunia or other similar plant, not very demanding, with lush leaves and bright flowers. Boxes can be placed in several tiers, planting them with colors of different sizes, so that some do not cover the others. When creating flower compositions, pay attention to daisies, nasturtium, pelargonium, begonias, marigolds. In time planted plants will bloom until late autumn, and next year you will be able to try out a new "flower design" by choosing which flowers to plant on the balcony this time.

Decorated with flowers, the balcony pleases not only the hostess and her guests, but also passers-by who undoubtedly will pay attention to such beauty created in the limited space of the average urban apartment.