When spring open roses - important nuances of proper care

The question of when to open roses in the spring is very important for plants. This is a crucial period that determines the future of their condition. Flowering of roses lasts until the first frost, the shelter protects the bushes from the cold and creates the conditions for an early entry into growth in the spring. From the timely removal of protection depends abundant flowering, the development of flowers.

When is it necessary to open roses after winter?

It is important to clearly define the time when you can open roses after winter shelter. At belated process, the flowers get out of excessive moisture from melting snow. In the early - are able to die from recurrent frosts. You can open roses after the snow has gone and the risk of severe cold passes. Winter hibernation of roses ends with a spring warming. Their buds swell, but the roots in the frozen ground are not yet included in the work. Therefore, in the middle of March, snow is thrown on bushes, in April - it is removed. For each type of roses, there are nuances in the spring care.

At what temperature do you open roses after winter?

The sign for removing the shelter is the thawing of the soil. In the central part of the country, this occurs after April 10-15. It is important to know at what temperature to open roses:

  1. Remove protection in the presence of snow is generally prohibited.
  2. When opening the temperature indicators at night should not show less than -2 ° C.
  3. In the daytime the thermometer should be kept within + 10-15 ° С.

When the ground under the roses in the shelter rolls back to a depth of 20-30 cm, the protection can be successively removed. Do this in the evening to avoid sunburn of young shoots and dry their wind. At the initial stage, the ends of the shelter are slightly opened, the next day - the northern and eastern sides. On the third day, they completely eliminate the design and shade roses with paper or lapnik.

When to open a climbing rose after winter?

Not all inexperienced growers know when to open a wicker rose after winter and how to do it correctly. Often, such low-growth and ground cover varieties fall high in the autumn in the soil or sand, they are covered with lapnik, foliage, sawdust, and covered with frame material from above. When spring open climbing roses:

  1. At the end of March - the middle of April, the covering material is raised and the upper layer, compacted and caked during the winter, is loosened.
  2. Then the bushes are closed again, leaving a gap at the edges to allow air to pass through so that they "breathe" and evaporate the moisture.
  3. After 5-7 days, a wireframe is opened from the eastern or northern side.
  4. Even after 2 days you can open all the roses and shovel from the ground leaves, sawdust, mulch.
  5. On the supports, the climbing roses are raised when the heat comes unchanged. Immediately it can not be done - if there is a sharp cooling, then the bush can be immediately covered with a covering material by the type of agrovolokna or spunbond.

When to open a stamorous rose after winter?

Decorative rose roses have a high growth and an extensive crown. For the winter they are bent down, buried, covered with arcs covered with cardboard, roofing material. Spring stamping roses require special attention. They are raised only after thawing and warming the soil, when the roots begin to work. When asked if to open the roses, experienced flower growers are advised to do this from the end of April. The process takes place in several stages:

  1. In the first half of March, shelters are removed from the shelters and diverted by grooves.
  2. In mid-April, it is necessary to open the ends of the arch for ventilation.
  3. In a day, you can open the two sides of the shelter.
  4. On the third day, remove all material, leaving lapnik or straw to protect the branches from sunburn. These roses suffer greatly from withers, therefore, on the first sunny days their crown should be protected.
  5. The shade is removed in mid-May, when the heat is finally established. After this, the branches can be lifted from the ground and supported on supports.

When to open cuttings of roses under the banks?

Often, for the propagation of roses for the winter in the garden, cuttings are cut in and covered with cans, so a micro-greenhouse is created. Care is to timely watering, sprouts on the plant appear about a month later. For the winter, the vessel should be additionally covered with fallen leaves, grass, and the tops from the garden. When asked if it is possible to open roses from under the cans for next year, experienced flower growers are advised to do it later - at the end of May, when there is a stable heat, they can not be opened until the summer.

Have opened roses in the spring - what to do next?

After opening the bushes, you need to properly care for roses in the open field:

  1. Cut dry, broken and frostbitten stems, dark tips are cut to the green part - this is cosmetic pruning. Healthy shoots are treated with 1% copper sulphate, the plant is shaded until mid-May.
  2. A few weeks later they make the crown molding according to the rules of each variety.
  3. After a few days, the infusion of maternal infusion 1:10 is carried out. Fertilizer is kept in a container for 2 weeks and watered bushes, diluted with water 1: 2. In the absence of organic matter, you can apply a complex mineral composition - scatter on the surface of the earth.
  4. The bushes are shed under the root of heated water to start the work of the roots - 10-15 liters per plant.
  5. When young shoots appear, a 1% solution of copper sulfate is re-treated. When aphids appear, apply Actellyk or another insecticide.
  6. Roses hill, long branches are fixed on supports.