After delivery, hair falls out strongly

Many women after hair delivery and during lactation , hair falls out strongly. This is due to the fact that during the formation and development of the child from the mother's body, vitamins and minerals come through the placenta to the fetus. The mother's body is experiencing an acute shortage, called avitaminosis. Many pregnant women, to stop hair loss after childbirth, drink vitamins in the form of tablets, but even this does not always help to cope with the problems of brittle nails, problem teeth and weakened hair. Darkening hair blondes is also associated with childbirth, this phenomenon is caused by hormonal changes in the body after pregnancy.

Why do hair fall after giving birth?

Every person has hair every day. They say that a person has so much hair that he has for years. That is, hair falls out, in order to update the hairline, but not so many drop out. If the blood circulation and the condition of the scalp are normalized after birth, the hair loss process stops.

After birth, during lactation in the female body, the level of estrogen - female sex hormones - falls, the growth of hair depends on the production and level in the blood. The operation of cesarean section, in which general anesthesia is applied, can also affect the process of hair loss. An important cause of severe hair loss after childbirth is stress, poor nutrition, chronic lack of sleep, lack of calcium and other trace elements.

Many women are interested in how much time hair falls out after giving birth. This process is natural, but if after six months from the date of the birth of the child he did not stop, you need to turn to specialists and begin treatment. Do not think that if the hair begins to fall out after birth, then this process can not be stopped. There are many ways that will help reduce the "hair loss".

Hair loss after childbirth - treatment

The first tip is to cut hair shorter. So the hair will recover faster and take care of them more easily. You can refer to specialists in the hairdresser, where the master will help with the help of cosmetics to restore the weakened structure of the hair and heal the scalp. You can also try to treat terribly drop-out hair after delivery with the help of folk remedies.

Hair repair recipes

For those who have hair loss after the birth, masks from hair loss , for example, from chicken egg yolk, sunflower oil and medium-sized bulbs, will help very well. The bulb should be grated on a fine grater, mixed with chalk and butter in the same proportion and applied to the scalp, wrapped in a handkerchief and sit with the mask for at least an hour, then wash your head as usual.

Shelk from the onion is needed on the farm not only for painting Easter eggs, but for strengthening the scalp. If you boil the husks in the water and wash the hair with this decoction, they will stop falling out and color a beautiful natural color. Tea from onion husks will strengthen the whole body and heal the weakened hair. It contains nickel, potassium, iron, manganese, lead and other macro- and microelements.

If the hair began to fall out after delivery, this process can be stopped by washing the hair with a decoction of the roots of the burdock. It is necessary to put the roots of thistle in a saucepan, boil and strain. This decoction needs to moisten the scalp and hair every day. As a result, you can not only strengthen your hair, but also get rid of dandruff. Roots of burdock can be harvested for the winter, freezing them in the freezer.

In our article, we tried to answer the question, why do hair fall out after birth and how to stop this process. Be healthy and beautiful!