Pregnancy after childbirth

It is not for nothing that the women's consultation on courses for expectant mothers pays special attention to the topic of postpartum contraception. After all, a new pregnancy, which occurred soon after childbirth, is fraught with various negative consequences for both women and the fetus.

Why is it undesirable pregnancy immediately after childbirth?

Of course, there have always been and will be women who dream of giving birth to children-weather. Often they dismiss medical warnings until they achieve their goal. But you should know what can be expected of them because of a reckless act:

How soon can I get pregnant after giving birth?

Previously it was believed that a woman can not become pregnant again if she feeds the baby with a breast. But times are changing, and now the lack of a month-old baby against the background of feeding (lactational amenorrhea) is not a guarantee of a quiet life. Although not so long ago, she was a proven method of contraception. This method is suitable for those who:

  1. After delivery, no more than 6 months have passed.
  2. The baby eats only breast milk on demand, incl. and at night.
  3. The lure was not introduced in any form.
  4. No menstruation resumed.
  5. The method of lactational amenorrhea will work only if all these items are observed.

Female body is restored for 6-8 weeks after childbirth. It is this term gynecologists recommend to withstand spouses, abstaining from sexual activity. And it is after the expiration of one and a half to two months that ovulation can occur for the first time, which will start a new life.

In addition, if the mother has problems with the amount of milk, feeds the baby with a mixture or feeds not on demand, but by the hour, then pregnancy is very likely. Doctors recommend after the beginning of complementary feeding (5-6 months), when the lactational amenorrhea method does not work, consider further contraception.

When is pregnancy possible after artificial birth?

Unfortunately, in life there are situations when a woman suddenly loses a baby. Artificial births are performed after 20-22 weeks for medical (fetal development abnormalities) or social indications (rape). This is a difficult time you want to quickly forget and again feel the tremors under your heart.

Doctors recommend to abstain from a new pregnancy for at least six months, and sometimes a year. In this case it is necessary to undergo a genetic examination, and if necessary - treatment. In principle, a new pregnancy can occur already in the next cycle after an artificial interruption, but it will be dangerous for the woman herself.

How to determine pregnancy after childbirth?

If menstruation has not started, then if you suspect a new pregnancy for each woman after giving birth, it is advisable to conduct a test. It is highly likely to determine whether or not a pregnancy is present. But if a young mother suspects something wrong - it is best to do a laboratory test for HCG. Here are the main symptoms to which you should pay attention to a nursing mom:

Summing up, it can be noted that pregnancy with breastfeeding is possible if:

  1. Monthly already resumed (even if irregular).
  2. The child is already getting the lure.
  3. Mom has little milk and the baby receives the mixture as an additional food.
  4. Breaks between feeding are large and irregular (5-6 hours).
  5. A woman is decanting milk.

How to protect a nursing mother?

Do not think that once a woman is breastfeeding, contraception is reduced only to condoms. The doctor can appoint: