Emergency Cesarean section

Emergency cesarean section is different from the planned one, first of all in that it is carried out already at the stage of childbirth. In other words, doctors do not prepare for such an operation in advance, and the need for it arises directly in the process of complicated birth.

In what cases do emergency cesarean section?

For making a decision on conducting an emergency caesarean section, it is necessary to have indications. In this case, they can be both from the side of the mother and from the side of the fetus. The main reasons why a baby is born by an emergency cesarean are:

What are the consequences of emergency cesarean delivery?

Despite the fact that this kind of operation is not planned, obstetricians are ready to begin cesarean during any kind of delivery. That is why, for the most part, an emergency operation has the same stages as the planned one, with the exception, perhaps, of the fact that a woman is not trained. Therefore, any consequences are minimized. The child, after an emergency cesarean section, feels the same way as in the planned one.

Thus, considering all of the above, one can not compare planned and emergency cesareans and say what is better: this or that. In fact, this is the same operation, which is carried out in different ways. The only thing is that the planned one is much easier to carry out by the most pregnant woman and makes it easier for doctors to work. they already know in advance what they are preparing for and what to expect.