To help the countryman and the farmer, absolutely all spheres of industry come today. Modern materials greatly simplify the work, allow you to cope with many difficulties with minimal effort. In this article, we will get acquainted with agrofiber, its characteristics and application.
Why do you need agrovolokno?
We will begin with the arrangement of the most important moments in our places. First of all, we will answer, what is the difference between geotextile and agrofiber, because often these two materials are considered one. First and foremost, what is the difference between geotextile and agrofiber is in production itself. Agrofiber is a nonwoven material, the production of which is also called spunbond. But agrotextile already by the name suggests that it is a woven material, outwardly very similar to bags for potatoes in a box.
Mulching agrovolokno saves the harvest not only from the heat, but also from the cold. There are different thicknesses of this material, and the more they are, the more secure the planting. The use of white agrofibers lies in the shelter of greenhouse plants. It perfectly passes the sun's rays and air, while protecting the shoots from UV. Heat such material will retain much better than any hothouse film. Growing under such material allows to simplify the work, as there is no need to control weeds .
Black agrofibers are used on beds in the open ground, most often for protection against weeds. This material does not miss absolutely anything, so under it and grow nothing. This solution is for sheltering the soil, while it is able to freely pass air and moisture. Black agglomerate can last up to five seasons. This is an ideal solution for growing strawberries and strawberries. If white planting material is covered in a literal sense, then the soil is covered with black directly under the plant.