Litchi fruit at home

You want to try exotic fruits for everyone, but, alas, this does not always work, because many fruits do not tolerate transportation because of their tenderness, so they appear on the shelves of our shops or in an inedible state, or with an incredibly curved price. As, for example, lychee. But do not despair, because the fruit lychee can be grown at home. The litchi tree at home is not that difficult to grow. If you observe a certain number of conditions when planting seeds, then their germination will be almost 100%. Of course, in order to further develop the tree well, it is necessary to observe much more conditions, to monitor the temperature, watering, etc., but the result is worth the effort expended on it. So let's take a closer look at how to grow lychees.

Lychee - growing at home

So, first of all it is necessary to understand the question of how to plant litchi, namely how to plant lychee from a bone.

  1. Landing . Perhaps, landing can be called the simplest part of the process. To begin with, you need to purchase, in fact, the fruit itself. For landing, a copy bought in the store is perfect. Clear the fruit, remove the seeds from the pulp and wash them under warm water. Since litchi seeds lose their germination with time, it is best to plant them immediately after they are removed from the fruit. Seeds are planted in separate containers, plastic cups can be used. Plant more than one seed in one container is not recommended. Seedlings appear 14-20 days after planting seeds in the soil. All this time, it is necessary to water the soil well, so that it does not dry out and also need to maintain a temperature of 35 degrees before emergence, and keep the lychee covered, or a film or a packet, sometimes letting the plant breathe. After the emergence of shoots, the temperature should be reduced to 25 degrees. After that, the lychee shoots grow quite actively until they reach a height of 15-20 centimeters. After that, growth almost ceases for a year or two, since at this time the litchi develops its root system. Since the roots can even break through the bottom of the plastic cup, it is advisable to transplant lychee into a larger pot.
  2. Care . With the landing process more or less figured out, and now we turn to caring for litchi.
  3. Lighting . The tree needs a 13-15 hour light day, that is, it should be provided with additional illumination in winter and autumn.
  4. Temperature . The temperature in which lychees should dwell in summer can vary from 24 to 34 degrees, and in winter - from 18 to 25, that is, in principle, it is fairly easy to provide such temperature.
  5. Watering . Lychee does not tolerate drought, but also she will not tolerate too abundant watering. To water a tree it is necessary only when the top layer of soil slightly will dry up. For watering, it is necessary to use standing water at room temperature. Also it is necessary to provide high humidity of air by means of spraying several times a day.
  6. Feeding . In the first year of life, lychee fertilizing is introduced no earlier than three months after germination, and then feed the tree can and should be done once in one to three months.

So we figured out how lychees grow. Growing litchi at home can not be called a particularly difficult process, although it is not easy. But here's what it exactly is, so it's interesting and exciting.