Slimming Pool

Caught in the water, we feel some inexplicable union with itself, with its inner world, maybe with past lives. Water and, accordingly, swimming influence invaluably, both on our psyche, and on physiology. It is impossible to describe the range of feelings that a person feels in the water, it is much easier to try them out yourself. This is what we recommend you to do, but for now we will limit ourselves to describing the benefits of the pool for weight loss.

Influence on our body

Water is ten times more dense than air, at the same time the water in the pool is colder and than air, and than our body. Due to the density of the pool can act not only as a means of losing weight, but also as a health-improving simulator in itself. The load on the skeleton is removed, the risks of damage are reduced to zero, the muscles are relaxed. Due to low temperature, our body quickly cools and orgasm has to spend a lot of energy (see calories!) To preserve the original 36.6.


Many people think that losing weight with the help of a swimming pool is already finding yourself in the water. It is true that calories will be burned to some extent, but this will not affect the figure decisively. In order to lose weight, in the pool, as nowhere is important movement.

Physical activity

Swimming in the pool for weight loss - implies a well-planned motor activity. Before stepping over the threshold of this sanctuary, plan well. Start with a warm-up with a special swimming equipment for hands and feet to work out all kinds of movements before. Then go to the swimming on the back: alternate the movements of the hands with the position of the hands from above and below. Without stopping, go to the breaststroke and the rabbit.

For an hour of swimming in the pool, 600 to 1000 calories are burnt. Everything depends on the activity of your movements, on your mass and the presence of muscles. The more muscle, the more calories they consume.