Magnesium Sulphate - Application for Weight Loss

Powder of magnesia - one of the most popular modern tools in the fight against obesity . It is also called magnesium sulfate, the dosage of which as a weight loss application should not exceed more than 20 g.

Magnesium sulfate for weight loss

Crystals of magnesia should be dissolved in water before use. This is how you can improve the effectiveness of the substance used. Already after 2-3 hours, he will begin to accelerate the processes aimed at burning fat. In addition, magnesium sulfate has a beneficial effect on the work of the intestines, cleaning it from toxins. It will not be superfluous to note that magnesia removes excess fluid from the body.

However, before you start this cleansing, you need to carefully prepare for it. So, for 7 days you should stop using fatty, sweet, excessively salty foods. It will not be superfluous to limit the reception of flour products, as well as dishes that are markedly sharp.

If you ignore the above recommendations, the likelihood of a load on the liver is great. Moreover, there will be a water-salt imbalance, and this perceptibly "beats" on the normal state of the organism. As a result, the adrenal glands will produce a large amount of cortisol, a stress hormone. This will provoke a violation of the habitual life rhythm.

Having started the most cleaning, it is important to start it with semi-liquid dishes, fractional food . At the same time, overeating is strictly prohibited. Water to drink only non-carbonated.

The course of magnesium sulfate for weight loss should not exceed two days. The next day it is recommended to pay attention to your well-being: if it is still normal, you can continue the express course of getting rid of excess kilograms.

Bath with magnesium sulfate for weight loss

Magnesia has the property to rid the body of various harmful compounds. So, it should be taken 2 times a week. In a bath to pour 100 g of English salt and fill with water, the temperature of which will not exceed 39 degrees. Relax should be no more than 30 minutes.