Proper weight loss

Proper weight loss is the only way to lose weight forever and without harm to health. This is what any nutritionist will offer you, instead of short diets, not systematic sports activities and other questionable techniques, after which people gain even more excess weight. The program of proper weight loss includes nutrition and motor activity.

The right food for losing weight

You probably know that there are proper products for weight loss that will lead you to harmony, and food debris that makes this road difficult. At the first stage it is important to get rid of the second one. To this category, which should be excluded from the diet, are:

  1. Any fried food (even vegetables).
  2. Any fatty dishes (especially those that contain animal fats - sausages, lard, pork and the like).
  3. All kinds of sweets, except fresh fruits (chocolate, cakes, cookies, ice cream, etc.).
  4. Everything that is prepared from wheat flour (bread, except black, all kinds of baking, pasta, pelmeni and others).

Do not worry, even without these products it is possible to make a tasty and varied diet.

Approximate diet

By eliminating all the harmful, you will already lose weight, and if you start eating according to the proposed scheme, the results will be even better (plummet will be 0.7-1 kg per week).

Breakfast : a serving of cereal or a dish of 2 eggs, tea without sugar.

Lunch : a serving of any soup, a glass of tea without sugar or juice.

Snack : a fruit or a glass of 1% kefir.

Dinner : beef, chicken, turkey or fish with a garnish of vegetables (except potatoes, legumes).

Before going to bed (if you feel hungry): a glass of fat-free yogurt.

By accustoming your body to proper nutrition, you can easily lose excess pounds, no matter how many of them were there. In the phase of maintaining weight, after what you achieve and at least 1-2 months, keep the desired weight, you can allow yourself to eat from the banned list once a week.

Sport principles of correct weight loss

Some experts say that for weight loss you need an aerobic load , others - that power. Given the fact that both sides have evidence of their theory, we can conclude that any load will benefit, if it is regular.

It is recommended to conduct training 2-3 times a week for 40-60 minutes. Choose the kind of sport that you like - this is the best motivation in order not to give up classes.