Low-Carb Diet - Basic Principles and Options

With this diet, excess weight goes away quickly. The basis of such a menu are products with a low carbohydrate content. It is believed that such food causes the body to use fat reserves, due to which excess kilograms go.

The effectiveness of a low-carb diet

Specialists and ordinary people differently evaluate the results achieved after compliance with this diet. According to the research, people who use this diet, really lose weight, and, due to a reduction in the percentage of fat tissue. But other experiments show that low-carb nutrition for weight loss does not suit everyone, some on the contrary declare that after 2-3 months of compliance with this regime, the weight only increases.

Doctors recommend taking a decision based on tracking their condition for several weeks, and if there is no positive effect, choose a different menu. Weigh in the period of the experiment should be 1 time in 3-5 days, at this time it is necessary to fix the results, so you can accurately understand whether there is a desired result, or the weight is or even grows.

The basic principles of low-carb diets

When choosing this meal plan, you must follow a number of rules. They are simple and understandable, so once having studied how a low-carbohydrate diet works, you can easily make a menu for the day yourself. Remember the following principles, they are applicable for the classical version, the other types of such nutrition will be somewhat different:

  1. The total amount of carbohydrates consumed per day should not exceed 10%. In the classical version of this nutrition plan, it is completely stated that the amount of such products is not more than 8%. But, due to the fact that low-carbohydrate diet can harm health, doctors recommend adhering to 10%. And do not reduce the consumption of carbohydrate-rich foods to a minimum.
  2. The bulk of the products should be protein. It is recommended to eat up to 70-80% of such food.
  3. Fats in this diet plan account for 10 to 30%. This is another factor, thanks to which doctors do not always advise to practice such a regime. Too much fat in food can trigger weight gain.
  4. Alcohol with a low-carbohydrate diet is contraindicated. It is allowed to drink 1 glass of wine, preferably red dry per day. Vodka, cognac and beer should be excluded.

Low Carbohydrate Diet - Products

To compile a daily menu, it is necessary to understand what is allowed to eat, and what is better to completely eliminate. The list of strictly prohibited products includes potatoes, bananas, sweet juices, buns, confectionery. The list of allowed ingredients is much larger, this is what you can eat with a low-carb diet:

Low-Carb Diet for Weight Loss

To understand how you can independently build a daily menu, let's look at the nutrition plan for 1 day. An example of a low-carb diet looks like this:

Low carbohydrate diet suggests that during the whole day a person will drink water, unsweetened tea, better green. The amount of liquid can not be less than 2 liters, otherwise the process of splitting of fat stores will not occur. In addition, with a lack of water, constipation can occur, so do not neglect this rule, otherwise you will cause harm to health and do not get rid of excess kilograms.

Low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet

This meal plan is a bit like the popular Atkins method. Ketogenic diet for weight loss suggests that a person will consume only 5% of carbohydrates, 20% protein and 75% of food containing fats. Such a diet can not be adhered to constantly, it is recommended to observe it for no more than 7 days, after that you should take a break for 10-14 days. Doctors do not advise using this mode without prior consultation.

There is another variant of low-carbohydrate diet of this type. It consists that the person of 5 days uses food under the scheme described above (5% of carbohydrates, 20% of fibers, 75% of fats), and within 2 days uses the second plan. It involves switching to a more familiar diet. You need to eat high-carbohydrate foods and reduce the consumption of fats. This option is allowed to practice for 1 month, be sure to consult a doctor before the course.

Low-Carb Diet Bernstein

This diet plan is recommended for those who suffer from diabetes. Initially, the Bernstein diet was invented to alleviate the condition of people with this ailment. It is based on the same principle, that is, reducing the amount of highly carbohydrate food in the diet. It is recommended to consume not more than 50 g of similar products, some people and at all reduce their share to 30 g.

High-protein low-carb diet

This type of food is similar to the classic option. Even the name - high - protein diet for weight loss, says that the amount of fats and carbohydrates will be reduced. It is assumed that the share of protein products will be 75-80%, the consumption of water will grow to 2 liters per day. Carbohydrates in the diet will be reduced to 10-12%, and fats to 8-10%. It should be borne in mind that such a diet can have a bad effect on health, you should undergo a medical examination before eating such food and consult a doctor.

Low-carb fat diet

This is a variant of ketogenic nutrition. The course of using such a diet does not exceed 30 days, it should be started after consultation with a doctor. Low-carbohydrate high-fat diet is based on the following principles:

Low-carbohydrate diet - contraindications

In some diseases, the use of any type of such food is prohibited, the list includes:

Even if a person does not have such ailments, you should carefully monitor your health while observing one of the options for such nutrition. Doctors say that the state of health can sharply worsen, because of imbalance in the diet, so it is worth knowing what symptoms indicate the need to interrupt the course and contact a specialist.

Harm a low-carb diet can cause this:

If any of these symptoms occur, the course should be discontinued, otherwise the health condition will only worsen. Each of these features indicates that a person does not fit a diet, and it must be changed urgently. Doctors advise before the start of the course to take tests and undergo a survey, only so you can understand how the decrease in the carbohydrate share on the body will reflect and whether this will cause the appearance of ailments.