How did Andrei Averin lose weight?

Andrey Averin is a real star of humor, he is the author and performer of many ridiculous miniatures. But recently this talented young man was talked about not just as an artist, but also as a man who managed to lose weight quickly and easily. How thin Andrei Averin lost weight, everyone knows that he managed to lose thirty-one kilograms! About how Andrei Averin lost weight and what methods he used while using this, we will tell below.

How Andrey Andreyevich lost weight - the secrets of harmony from the lips of the artist

The world is full of rumors - many friends Andrew assure that he lost weight as a result of treatment in the clinic of the famous nutritionist Margarita Koroleva . On the Internet they write that Averin "sat" on the Kremlin diet, and some unscrupulous adverts claim that Andrei Averin's weight loss is explained simply because he allegedly drank green coffee. But such information, as you understand, you can not believe in any way!

The truth about how and why Andrei Averin lost weight, can tell us only the artist himself. In his interview, a built-up resident of the "Kamedi Club" says that there is no Averin miracle diet, and he does not really like green coffee. Andrew admitted that he just became less eat, forbade his supper after six o'clock in the evening, refused some products. At the same time, the artist even regretted occasionally with sweet and fried potatoes, not exhausting himself with training seven days a week. Fasting was not included in the plans of the resident "Kamedi Club", so he simply began to eat healthy and reasonable.

The only "food" weakness of the famous humorist is chocolate. From him, Andrew could not refuse, and even in the process of losing weight allowed himself to eat in the morning three squares of black bitter chocolate, without nuts and other additives.

Losing weight of Andrei Averin

All that Mr. Averin told us in his interviews, we know for a long time - you need to give up food from fast food, eat every two hours in modest portions, not eat at night. In fact, the artist preaches the usual principles of healthy eating, without even trying to "reinvent the wheel" and surprise everyone. Andrew assures the public that three months later the result will be visible. Here is a list of the basic rules of nutrition, which Andrei Averin adhered to:

at least twice a day you should eat salads from raw vegetables, they should be filled with vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, corn);

Andrew in his interviews willingly told journalists about the secrets of his weight loss, he said, he is satisfied with the result, and now continues to eat healthy food, following the above principles. Having dropped weight, Averin took a great interest in bike riding and skateboarding, these hobbies help him to maintain harmony.

As you can see, all ingenious is simple, this statement is suitable for the case of losing weight of a famous humorist - for eight months he managed to lose weight by thirty-one kilograms, just moderately eating healthy foods. Movement, refusal from harmful food and proper nutrition - this is the diet of Andrei Averin!