Diet in pancreatitis - recipes for dishes

The pancreas carries out two secretory functions - intracerebral and exocrine. The intrasecretory function is the hormones secreted by the pancreatic cellular unit, for the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism. Including, this is the isolation of insulin. The external secretory function consists in the isolation of enzymes in the intestine for the realization of digestive processes. In this process, the cells of the organ are involved. Inflammation of the pancreas or pancreatitis is associated with a violation of the external secretory function - the enzymes, becoming active, do not enter the intestine, but begin to erode the parenchyma of the organ itself.

Since this disorder is mainly associated with an unbalanced diet, the main task is to get rid of the irritating factor, the food that promotes active fermentation.

The menu and recipes for a diet for pancreatitis should be discussed with the attending physician, since the nutrition itself must correspond to the form and stage of the disease.

Rules of the diet

With pancreatitis, the recipes of the therapeutic diet are used. However, the first two days of treatment of the patient passes through a hunger diet - only water, mineral and alkaline, 200 ml 6 times a day. In severe cases (preoperative or postoperative period), the patient is not allowed to drink. All the necessary nutrients are administered in the form of solutions intravenously. Next, a strict diet of 5-P for a week is prescribed.

Recipes for diet for pancreatitis are made with the following requirements:

As we have already mentioned, therapeutic nutrition depends on the form of the disease. All recipes for a diet with chronic pancreatitis suggest the maximum grinding of products - grinding, purring, grinding. At the same time, during acute pancreatitis, fasting is first prescribed, then only a week's meal with mashed cereals and mucous soups, and then gradually expand the diet.

Choosing the right recipes for a diet with pancreatitis helps to minimize symptoms and regenerate the body. Relapses can be avoided if you continue to monitor your diet, not to drink alcohol.

Dishes for the patient should ensure the chemical and mechanical rest of the digestive system. Chemical - means that consumed meals do not activate fermentation. Mechanical - the use of dishes in a crushed form, again, to simplify the digestion of food so that the pancreas does not have to produce its enzymes.


Pumpkin porridge



Pumpkin pulp cut into cubes, put into a pan, pour water. Bring to a boil and add semolina. Cook for 20 minutes, then drain and knead with a fork. Add sugar, butter, and a bit of the decoction.

Milk soup with meat puree



Beef cook.

Boiled meat without tendons to pass through a meat grinder with a frequent grate and rub through a sieve.

Rice put in boiling water and cook for 3-4 hours, then strain.

The resulting slimy rice decoction is mixed with meat puree, bring to a boil, add salt.

Soup to cool to 70 degrees, fill with lezones (egg-milk mixture).

Preparation of lezones: egg yolks to dissolve with hot milk (about 70 degrees), stir and boil until thickened in a water bath. Lieson is added to the soup at a temperature of 70 degrees and more soup is not boiled.

When serving to the table in a bowl of soup put the butter.