Cyst of the left ovary - treatment

The cyst of the left or right ovary is a very common diagnosis these days. Almost every fifth woman of childbearing age encounters him. In most cases, the cyst is diagnosed accidentally, becoming a complete surprise for the woman. The same patients who neglect routine examinations, sometimes even do not know about the presence of education. The only difference between the cyst of the right and left ovary is the location of the tumor and the characteristic symptoms.

Signs of cyst of the left ovary

As a rule, vivid clinical manifestations are accompanied by intensive growth of the cyst in the left ovary. Upon reaching a large size, the formation can cause:

However, the final diagnosis can not be made, relying solely on the above cysts in the left ovary. Because such a symptomatology is often found in other, not only gynecological diseases.

Causes of a cyst on the left ovary

The factors contributing to the appearance and growth of the tumor have not been fully established. But, nevertheless, to the possible reasons for the formation of cysts on the left ovary can be attributed:

How to treat a cyst of the left ovary?

The principle of treatment of the cyst of the left ovary depends on the size, intensity of growth and the type of education. Most often functional cysts (appeared on the site of the bursted follicle or yellow body) pass by themselves during three menstrual cycles. If the size of the cyst on the left ovary exceeds 10 cm, then the treatment is performed surgically. It is also advisable to resort to surgical intervention in complicated cases. These include: torsion of the tumor, rupture, squeezing of the nearby pelvic organs.

In order to reduce the size of the cyst, and sometimes for prevention, many specialists prescribe hormonal birth control pills. Especially for patients who are at high risk.