Diprospan for allergies

Diprospan is a preparation based on the synthetic glucocorticosteroid betamethasone. Action Дипропана against an allergy is based on its ability to suppress synthesis of the enzymes causing an inflammation of mucous nasopharynx and an eye, and also dermatological infringements.

Indication for the use of Diprospan may include the following allergic diseases and conditions:

Diprospan for allergies is usually applied in the following cases:

The main feature of the drug, for which it is valued by specialists, is the speed of action. So, after the injection of DiSpoppan from an allergy to ambrosia or another plant, the improvement of the patient's condition is noticeable after 10 minutes.

Dosage of Diprospan for allergies

The question of how often you can stab Diprospan for allergies is most often asked by allergic specialists. How to prick Diprospan for allergies, individually determined by the doctor, taking into account the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the patient's reactivity. General recommendations for the use of diprospan in pollinosis - allergies to ragweed, wormwood, quinoa and pollen of other plants - are as follows:

  1. Before the start of therapy, it is necessary to make a general blood test, a blood test to detect the level of sugar and a blood test to determine the number of leukocytes in the biological fluid.
  2. The course of treatment lasts 5-10 days.
  3. In a day 1-2 ml of injection solution is used.
  4. The drug is administered intramuscularly.

As an emergency aid, including anaphylactic shock, the drug is usually injected once deep into the gluteal region, repeated injections are done depending on the patient's condition. The volume of the injected solution is 0.5 to 2 ml. The action of the injection, made with anaphylactic shock, lasts for 72 hours.

In skin allergic manifestations, intramuscular or intradermal administration of a drug in a volume of 1 ml is considered effective methods.

Attention! With pollinosis, diprospan can be used to instill the nose at a rate of 0.5 ml in each nasal passage.

Contraindications and side effects when using Diprospan

It should be borne in mind that the injections of Diprospan are rather painful. There are also a number of contraindications to the use of the medicinal product, including:

Do not use Diprospan during vaccination against infections, such as influenza.

For your information! Diprospan may cause menstrual irregularities in women.

Side effects when using Diprospan may affect all body systems, including:

Important! Diprospan is not allowed to be used together with hormonal drugs and contraceptives in tablet form.

Doctors warn that the action of the drug Diprospan is not aimed at curing allergies. The drug only reduces the symptoms of diseases.