Increased hemoglobin

Normal values ​​of hemoglobin in adult healthy women range between 120 and 140 g / l of blood. Depending on lifestyle and hormonal balance is considered acceptable, when this indicator varies slightly, within 10-20 points. If hemoglobin is increased by more than 20 units, it makes sense to conduct an examination of the body for the presence of diseases, and then to do the normalization of the concentration of this protein compound.

Elevated hemoglobin - what does this mean?

The considered component of blood is contained in the red blood cells produced by the bone marrow. These red blood cells perform the function of transferring oxygen to various organs. Therefore, if hemoglobin rises, most likely, in some area of ​​the body, hypoxia (oxygen starvation) takes place. Because of it, the bone marrow produces too much red blood cells, and the viscosity of the blood increases.

The main causes of elevated hemoglobin

Given that hemoglobin is responsible for transporting to tissues and oxygen organs, to which the blood is enriched in the lungs, one of the reasons for its increase are diseases of the respiratory system. Among them, the most common and dangerous diseases:

The next factor provoking overproduction of red blood cells is pathology of the cardiovascular system:

There are also more serious diseases, due to the development of which hemoglobin is elevated - the reasons in other cases are:

Why is hemoglobin raised in the blood in the absence of any disease?

There are several factors that are not dangerous from the point of view of medicine, which cause an increase in the concentration of erythrocytes:

What to do with elevated hemoglobin?

The described problem is fraught with serious complications, therefore it is necessary to treat it as early as possible.

Doctors are advised to start therapy with 3 main activities:

  1. Take drugs with antiaggregant properties - blood thinning. Such drugs can reduce the risk of blood clots.
  2. Make the right diet. It is desirable to limit the consumption of foods with a high content of iron - red meat and offal, fish caviar. Also it is necessary to refuse dishes rich in cholesterol - animal fats, confectionery products with cream, eggs, sauces. Preference is given to food containing a lot of protein, for example, white meat and fish, cereals and legumes, nuts. It is forbidden to take any biologically active additives or vitamin-mineral complexes with folic acid, iron.
  3. To find out the exact cause of the increase in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin, to deal with its elimination.